Bill! You can still get a free lunch!

Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Sam English
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, May 10 2024

                                       YES, Bill, You Can Still Get a FREE Lunch

Just when we think we may have seen it all, the craziest scene unfolded during our recent visit to ALIVE Hospice. There we were on our last room, singing to this sweet, wonderful lady, when unbeknown to the Medics “in the room where it happened,” lunch was about to be brought in.  As the staff brought in her tray of food, placed it on that contraption that goes over the bed, and took the cover off the food, the following dialogue started between our Bill Munn and sweet Judy:


Bill: “WOW That really smells good.”

Judy: “Do you want some.”

Bill: Said laughingly, “No that’s OK.”

Judy: "Are you sure?”

INTERMISSION: Now you must realize, as this unfolds the Medics already know about Bill’s wooden leg when it comes to food and eating. We’re always chiding Bill, knowing that he’s never met a buffet he didn’t like. At this point in the conversation, the look on our faces is starting to turn into one of shock, as we know what’s about to unfold. We return to our previous programming:


Bill: “I’m sure, but that hushpuppy looks great and really smells good.”

Judy: Sticking fork into this humongous hushpuppy, “Here take it.”

Bill: Nervously laughing, “No, No that’s OK, You eat it.”

Judy: Continues to insist and drops the mic,  “It’s fine, I don’t like hushpuppies anyway.”

INTERMISSION: You can surely see where this is headed. After a few more rounds of insisting, Bill finally gives in and takes the hushpuppy. He stands and sings another song or two with this huge ball of fried cornmeal in his hand. We continue now with the third and final act of our tragic story:


Sam: “Well, Judy it’s been a pleasure singing for you today. We’d like to sing one more song if that’s OK with you.”

Judy:  “That would be great.”

Sam: “We’d like to leave you with a Blessing.”  Medics sing The Irish Blessing. Judy was visibly touched, and we say our goodbyes and head for the door, before anything else happens.  Not so fast you say!

Judy:  Takes her fork, hacks off a piece of the fried fish, and puts that into a small container of tarter sauce and starts to hand it to Bill.  “Here this is for you.”

Medics: Mortified we all say “No thanks.” We then proceed to usher Bill out the door.

As we leave, we just shake our heads in disbelief. You really can’t make this stuff up. Just another great day with our friends at ALIVE Hospice, Nashville.

It’s Great to be a Nashville Music Medic

Submitted by Wayne Jackson for Nashville Music Medics with a little help from Webmaster