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  • Blessed: Bringing pleasure, contentment, good fortune
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Oct 13 2024

    Blessed: Bringing pleasure, contentment, good fortune

    We often remark that we never know what to expect” with our biweekly visits to AliveHospice.  However, to bring or receive some pleasure or contentment is always our “no-plan” plan.

    When we arrived for our visit on October 9th, we assembled in the Chapel for our warm-up, where we were met by our friend Julie, the Volunteer Coordinator.  Julie greeted us with a mixture of a wonderful smile as well as a portion of sadness, which unfortunately  we also saw on the faces of the staff.  Thatsadness” was because, by 11:00 a.m. that morning  they had lost 5 of their patients AND over the previous weekend 14 patients had also transitioned!  Although, their patients understandably are in their care to go through this process, this was an uncommon and unexpected occasion.

    However, we must turn to that wonderful smile on Julies face for just a moment.  Julie greeted us with I just couldnt wait to tell you guys what had happened the last time you were here.” This happened during our visit on September 25th.   We had all been so touched and blessed on that visit, that as we were leaving, I was moved to suggest and commence with a group hug” and that soon became a prayer of thanks led by ourBill Munn.                                                                    

    What we did not know at that time, Julie shared with us today. The last song we had sung for a patient during  the previous visit was
    The Irish Blessing.”  Directly across the hall a volunteer was comforting, reading to, and holding hands with Mr. B who we had visited 2 or 3 times in the past.  Mr. B was non-communicative in transition other than his eyes and hand-holding. The doors to both rooms were open.  As we were singing The Irish Blessing” the volunteer stopped reading and whispered to Mister B Oh, listen. They are singing your favorite song!” Mister B looked at the volunteer, squeezed her hand, and at that moment his transition was complete. πŸ™

    Moments like this are beyond description and remind each one of the Nashville Music Medics and the Hospice volunteers and staff why we do what we do with the passion we all share.

    Of course we visited a few patients after Julie shared this with us. Due to this recent number of deaths, we were also successful delivering some contentment and pleasure to the staff and volunteers as we made our rounds with Julie.” 

    We were able to deliver our outreach in song to a few nursing students who were gathered in the break room 


    as well as surprise a brand new volunteer, Carolina, with the Carolina Song.” 


    Imagine her surprise during her first day on the job, in training, she is approached by ten men in blue scrubs with a one-of-a-kind welcome!

    We also provided The Sherrie Song” to the new receptionist on our way in for our visit and Youve Got a Friend in Me” as we passed the reception desk on our way out! 



    By Sam English for The Nashville Music Medics.

  • So Blessed, So Blessed
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Oct 9 2024

                                   Nashville Music Medics Receive Countless Blessings

    It’s seldom that we talk about how blessed we are to have the privilege of being able to provide such joy to our friends at ALIVE Hospice and the VA Hospital, Veterans Residential, in Murfreesboro, TN. However, during our last visits, we were overwhelmed by seeing the Lord’s mercy and grace in action that it is beyond words.

    During our VA visit September 20th, we had to break for a moment between our religious songs, when one of our heroes broke down in tears. I went over to talk with him for a moment to see if he was OK. He said he was and that everything was better now.  Once we conclude our set, we usually go over and shake hands. I went right over to this gentleman, and again asked how he was doing.  He said he really felt God’s love for him today and that he appreciated that song, “It is Well,” as it sparked those deep emotions.  I thanked him and told him God really does love you. Just overjoyed to hear that kind of response to our singing.

    A few days later, September 25th, our visit to ALIVE Hospice was so special, as there were at least four patients who were all visibly moved. One lady, who was in and out of sleep, woke up just as we began a family request for “It is Well.” When she was awake her open eyes had quite a milky type film over them, but when we began our singing, the film cleared and you could see her looking for someone, who was in the room. It is often said that when you get close to the end, your family comes to get your spirit to help it back home.  There’s no doubt in my mind that’s what was happening. So many blessings from this experience that we ended our day in a prayer circle to thank God for what he has given us - the gift of song.


    Wayne Jackson (and some of Sam English) for Nashville Music Medics

  • "Glad You didn't sing Frozen"
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Aug 27 2024


    I’m Just Glad You Didn’t Sing Frozen

    …said Elsa, an unsuspecting nurse on the elevator when the Nashville Music Medics sang “The Elsa Song” to her during our August 14 visit to The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial.  We were on our way out, when we stepped into the elevator and started singing to Elsa. We have a tendency to quickly focus on name badges!  The elevator stopped but we still had more song to sing! To her embarrassment, Elsa was greeted by quite a few visitors in the waiting area, many filming the Music Medics singing to her.  In addition to all of this silliness we were so pleased to have met and greeted Morgan, the new CCLS on board  to help ease the load on Sydnie’s shoulders.

    That was just part of the fun and rewarding day we had at Centennial Children’s Hospital. It was nice to have a chance to air our music again as we sang to the crowd gathered around on the upper floors of the Atrium. There we had a chance to sing to Abbie Messick, HCA Healthcare Marketing.  She was surprised when we serenaded her; photos and selfies resulted! 


    We sang to quite a few children, however two in particular really made our day.
    We sang to a young man, who at first appeared to be unhappy about our arrival and singing to him. After a few minutes he was smiling and wiggling his feet to the beat of the music, especially our “Name Song” and “You’ve Got a Friend in Me”.  Of course the parents were well pleased.

    At our next stop, we met a beautiful young lady who was very active in choral music at Gallatin HS.  Her name was Lilly and I made an instant connection with her once I told her I had a granddaughter named Lilly. She even played along with our silly Dad Jokes. She said she was going to tell her music teacher all about us. Don’t know what that means. We’ll just have to wait and see! We just never know what may happen.

    To top off the day, the Medics also welcomed Alden Vine to the fold in his official scrubs. He’s already made an impact with his singing, his photos, his anticipatory pitch pipe prowess and just an all around great attitude towards our mission and what we do. Welcome Alden!

    Such is life in the Nashville Music Medics!

    Submitted by Wayne Jackson (with some Sam collaboration) for Nashville Music Medics.

  • Tenor Banana is back with the bunch!!
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Aug 9 2024

                                                             Tenor Banana Back with the Bunch


           On Friday, August 2nd, the Nashville Music Medics were on the stage at Ryan Seacrest Studio, Monroe Carell Jr. Childrens’ Hospital at Vanderbilt University Medical Center Hospital, for our monthly visit. 

    It was an “eventful” visit since “No Green Bananas” quartet represented Nashville Music Medics!     Eventful?     Yes, indeed!    “No Green Bananas” had been unable to sing together for a number of months; this was for us an “eventful reunion”. 

    We had a wonderful participation by guests including patients and families, staff and visitors, and a Professor/Physician who had sought us out at the suggestion of a common friend of his and of No Green Bananas, “Snookie”.  (If you are reading this Kyle you likely have this figured out!)

    We were pleased to have been able to present most of the Nashville Music Medics’ children’s song repertoire from the ever-popular “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” to “Sitting on Top of the World”.  In recognition of the USA athletes’ successes in Paris at the Summer Olympics we even presented one of our favorites, “The Star Spangled Banner”.

    The welcome by Monroe Carell staff is always so very cordial and cheerful! 

     And we never know what to expect!

    While No Green Bananas was warming up in the foyer between the garage and hospital we were approached by a vendor who was entering the hospital. This chap, Travis, was no stranger to our style of close harmony as he filmed and we then chatted. We learned of his experience with his own band.  Of course, we ended up singing “The Becca Song”  for him to send to his wife.

    AND then as we were leaving the hospital an hour later, on that same walkway to the garage, we were approached by a Vanderbilt Radiology staff member who thought she may have seen us somewhere else.  Indeed she had!  She had seen a viral TikTok video which a child’s mother had uploaded when we sang to her daughter in another Emergency Department late last year.

    We could not let the occasion slip by!  We offered (and she accepted) to re-create that event for her.  With no hesitation other than readying her iPhone we broke into “The Whitney Song”.
    (Yes, it is quite similar to “The Becca Song”)



    “It’s Great to Be a Nashville Music” changing the world one smile at a time!

    Sam English for Nashville Music Medics and No Green Bananas

  • A Special Tribute
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Jul 29 2024
                                                                                           Nashville Music Medics     
                                                                   - A Special Tribute to -


                                                                    Joe Elmore
                                                           1944  -  2024

    In August 2023, the Nashville Music Medics were honored to have a segment aire on Nashville Public Television's popular TV show - "Tennessee Crossroads", hosted by the legendary Joe Elmore. Although we never had a chance to meet and talk with Joe, we knew that he was with us during this entire process before it aired on November 16, 2023. He was that kind of person, with a bigger than life personality and a love for Tennessee and of  Nashville. So humble.

    Joe Elmore was considered one of the nice guys on Tennessee TV.  He was a wonderful storyteller, an inspiration, a friend to many, as well was a media icon. He never let that fame go to his head, which is why it was such a joy for the Nashville Music Medics to work with his Tennessee Crossroads family.


    When we found out about Joe’s passing, and the special memorial service held in his honor, Sam and I decided to pay our respects to Joe and his TV family, but most importantly, to Miranda Cohen, the producer for our segment.

    We had very little time to speak with Miranda, but she did send a special "Thank You" to Sam and me.  “Gentlemen, I can’t Thank You enough for coming today. Truly, it meant the world to me and I know Joe would’ve loved it. I’m sorry I missed you. I wanted to see you before you left and get a picture. Thank You both again for your kindness.” Miranda.

    Sam responded “we loved being there and hearing and learning more about the creation process. We talked about a photo op, but you were busy and focused when we left during the short break. It was nice for you to recognize us and we both shared our delight that Joe had mentioned to you his joy with our story. We hope our paths cross again.” Sam

    There isn’t much more that can be said about Joe. Other than we’ll miss him, just like everyone else will. May his Memory Be a Blessing!


    Wayne Jackson, Sam English, for Nashville Music Medics
    July 25, 2024

  • Nashville Music Medics Sings for the President
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Jul 28 2024

                           Nashville Music Medics Meet the President……

    Had you going there for a minute, didn’t I? 

    No, not that President, but the new President/CEO at ALIVE Hospice, Kerry Hamilton. During our most recent July visit to ALIVE Hospice, Julie Davis, Volunteer Coordinator,  requested that we sing for the new CEO, just to give him an idea of the power of music for the residents there and how they are affected for good. 

    We spent a good portion of our visit explaining what we do, where we perform, as well as singing a few selections for Mr. Hamilton. Yes, we were in the room where it happened (See what I said there). 
    Of course we started with “The Name Song.” Pres. Hamilton was just short of blushing. After a few more songs, we shook hands, welcomed him on board and said we hoped to see him again soon.

    Click here for The Name Song as sung to Kerry Hamilton

    And "You've Got a Friend in Me"

    And then, off to visit our patients before we ran out of time.

    This time we visited two patients who were very active when we arrived at their rooms. It was a joy to see them sing along with us. We visited with Don, an Army veteran, who was quite moved when we sang America the Beautiful.

    We finished up our day with a lovely 93-years young music teacher, named Bernice.  Needless to say, she got The Name Song, along with It is Well With My Soul. During that song she closed her eyes and just sang along, knowing every word. It was very touching.

    We are so fortunate to have this ministry in our lives. We always come away feeling edified after every visit.


    Authored by G. Wayne Jackson for Nashville Music Medics

  • Here Kitty, Kitty
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Jul 19 2024


    Here Kitty Kitty!

    Monday, July 15, saw the Nashville Music Medics out “taming the lions” at The Donelson Lions Club.  We were invited to tell our story (and sing) by current Club President, and our good friend, Dr. Josh Moore. When we found out that supporting childhood cancer patients is part of the Lions Club mandate, we felt honored to present the program for the evening.

    What a great time, especially when the group was so receptive to our message as well as our singing. We did talk about our mission and sang the songs most often presented to the children. Loads of smiles, laughter and appreciation for what we do!!

    One of the best parts of the evening was of course when we sang “The Name Song.” We even had Josh sing with us, since he’s a long time barbershop singer. The recipient of our song was visually impaired but when we started to sing her name, it appeared her eyes cleared and she could spot every one of us! Very moving! We know they enjoyed our program, asking us to come back again. We’ll see what President Moore has to say!

    It’s Great to be a Nashville Music Medic


    Collaboration by Sam English and Wayne Jackson for Nashville Music Medics
  • Happy Birthday, America
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Jul 12 2024


    Happy 248th Birthday, America!

    We think the heat is slowing everyone down. However, our intrepid webmaster, Sam English, provided a wonderful synopsis of the Nashville Music Medics 4th of July celebrations.

    Sam reported:

    So privileged and blessed to have spent time EARLY today with patients, families and staff at MonroeCarell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt for their Independence Day celebration.

    I joined three of my pals in
    Nashville Music Medics (Paul, Wayne & Kirk) to provide some Barbershop Quartet four-part harmony, sharing patriotic songs and children's favorites, despite the heat. MonroeCarell Mascot "Champ" was indeed a favorite champ for photo ops.

  • Nashville Music Medics HAVE GONE VIRAL
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Jun 22 2024

                                       What a wonderful "viral surprise" !

    UPDATE, June 23, 2024:  We made contact with the Mom who recorded these wonderful moments.  (3.1 Million "likes" and more than 46k comments)

    “June 23, 2024 4:41pm
    Hi good afternoon my name is ____ _____  and I am Kenslei’s mother and I am the woman who recorded you men singing to my baby. Thank you for giving my baby the best memory of going to the doctor.
    Kenslei is doing amazing and she still remembers vividly.  You’re not a doctor? Oh wow. Your voice is pure magic thank you .  September 13, 2023 is when the video was recorded.”

    This was one of those days with my pals in Nashville Music Medics when we were visiting with patients and families at Tri-Star Centennial Children's Hospital, Nashville, Emergency Department where we often stop before leaving. We were led to a new patient, Kenslei, and her Mom.

    Kenslei’s Mom was taking a video as we sang "The Name Song" to Kenslei, hoping to cheer her a wee bit; we did not know that Mom posted to her Tik Tok account. We learned today, June 21, 2024 that her post is quickly closing in on viral status with 1.9 million "likes" and over 38,000 comments. We love what we do!
                                  It's Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic!


    And Just a few of those 38,000 comments:

    This day warmed our heart my baby was about to cry #fyp #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp

    I love doctors who love their jobs
    Draya ✨
    They ate that up! Kinsley, Kinsley, Kinsleeeeey ✨
    They so harmonized lmao they def practice
    I love the “confused unorganized” discussion at the beginning
    this is healthcare
    “Kensley kensley kensley kensley” my heart
    Wait. Why are they so good???
    This some greys anatomy energy πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    So did an all men’s choir decide to be doctors as well!?

    She experienced a real life Disney moment. I love it
    curatedmalarkey πŸ‰
    omg it’s the acapella band from Scrubs!

    Tishana Jackson
    That bass is going crazzzzyyyy!!!
    I would’ve started crying
    Demetria Winrow
    How did they figure out they could do this
    i woulda gave them a standing ovation
    Wait… they’re real doctors??? How do they sound so good together is there like a mandatory choir course you need to pass to practice medicine?
    Doctors in the uk could never
    “The singing doctors, now on Amazon plus, Netflix and Joyn” could be a tv show! (They remind me of the singing ending scene in jumbo, the small elefant with the big ears, when the train is driving)
    elizabeth '*•.¸β™‘ β™‘¸.•*'
    Disney hire them
    Now these are the elders I wish lived forever

    No I’m sobbing why are they actually so good at singing?!?!
    if i was in hospital & this happened, i would have thought it was my time
    I would trust them with my life

    Posted by Sam English, Webmaster and baritone
  • Bill! You can still get a free lunch!
  •  Date Posted: Fri, May 10 2024

                                           YES, Bill, You Can Still Get a FREE Lunch

    Just when we think we may have seen it all, the craziest scene unfolded during our recent visit to ALIVE Hospice. There we were on our last room, singing to this sweet, wonderful lady, when unbeknown to the Medics “in the room where it happened,” lunch was about to be brought in.  As the staff brought in her tray of food, placed it on that contraption that goes over the bed, and took the cover off the food, the following dialogue started between our Bill Munn and sweet Judy:

    ACT I

    Bill: “WOW That really smells good.”

    Judy: “Do you want some.”

    Bill: Said laughingly, “No that’s OK.”

    Judy: "Are you sure?”

    INTERMISSION: Now you must realize, as this unfolds the Medics already know about Bill’s wooden leg when it comes to food and eating. We’re always chiding Bill, knowing that he’s never met a buffet he didn’t like. At this point in the conversation, the look on our faces is starting to turn into one of shock, as we know what’s about to unfold. We return to our previous programming:

    ACT II

    Bill: “I’m sure, but that hushpuppy looks great and really smells good.”

    Judy: Sticking fork into this humongous hushpuppy, “Here take it.”

    Bill: Nervously laughing, “No, No that’s OK, You eat it.”

    Judy: Continues to insist and drops the mic,  “It’s fine, I don’t like hushpuppies anyway.”

    INTERMISSION: You can surely see where this is headed. After a few more rounds of insisting, Bill finally gives in and takes the hushpuppy. He stands and sings another song or two with this huge ball of fried cornmeal in his hand. We continue now with the third and final act of our tragic story:


    Sam: “Well, Judy it’s been a pleasure singing for you today. We’d like to sing one more song if that’s OK with you.”

    Judy:  “That would be great.”

    Sam: “We’d like to leave you with a Blessing.”  Medics sing The Irish Blessing. Judy was visibly touched, and we say our goodbyes and head for the door, before anything else happens.  Not so fast you say!

    Judy:  Takes her fork, hacks off a piece of the fried fish, and puts that into a small container of tarter sauce and starts to hand it to Bill.  “Here this is for you.”

    Medics: Mortified we all say “No thanks.” We then proceed to usher Bill out the door.

    As we leave, we just shake our heads in disbelief. You really can’t make this stuff up. Just another great day with our friends at ALIVE Hospice, Nashville.

    It’s Great to be a Nashville Music Medic

    Submitted by Wayne Jackson for Nashville Music Medics with a little help from Webmaster


  • Short Visits ARE OKAY
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Apr 13 2024

    Short Visits Are Sometimes the Best Visits!

    We’re always happy to visit our good friends at The Children’s Hospital at Tri-Star Centennial, even if the visit is a short one with but a few patients.  During our March 27th visit, we met an eight-month-old little guy named Phoenix. Let me tell you! Once we started singing he started rockin.’ He stood up in his bed, grabbed hold of the crib bars and started dancing, especially when he heard his name. He tried to climb out to get to us, but luckily Mom was nearby with a firm grasp. And that was the end of our day at Centennial! We’re not sad! Wouldn’t it be great if we could be put out of business !

    We finished up, said our goodbyes, and moved onto our next stop to visit our good friends @ALIVE Hospice.

    While at ALIVE we met a gentleman whose grandfather was a member of the well known gospel group, The Stamps Baxter Quartet.  We made sure we were note perfect* for this gentleman, as most of us found out later the Stamps Baxter Quartet was a big deal in Southern Gospel music.

    * The Stamps Baxter Music Company was an influential publishing company in the shape note Southern gospel music field. Stamps and Baxter also operated a music school, the primary source of the thousands of gospel songs they published, along with the sponsorship of gospel quartets which sang the company’s music in churches throughout the southern U.S.

    Another short visit on this day, but that’s okay too. We did take some time to have our picture taken with our hostess, Miss Josie, as the staff at ALIVE prepare for their National Volunteer Week Luncheon. Plans are to use this picture on the scrolling jumbo screens to show off some of their volunteers. Hmm, did anyone say lunch is served?

    Regardless of the number of people we visit, we always come away feeling renewed with being able to serve.


    It’s Great to be a Nashville Music Medic

    Wayne Jackson for the Nashville Music Medics

  • Nashville Music Medics and a new Outreach
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Mar 26 2024


    Nashville Music Medics Begin a New Outreach

    Friday, 22 March, was the start of what could develop into a new singing partnership between the Nashville Music Medics and the Tennessee Veterans Administration. Over the last several years the Medics have tried to sing for our heroes but were unable due to scheduling issues and lack of contacts at the VA. This may have come to an end!

    A couple of these veterans and our hostess for the day, Linsey Hearn, had seen a local television broadcast of our program earlier this year and a contact was established!

    Ten of our Nashville Music Medics made their way to the Tennessee VA Campus and provided the story of our musical outreach to a delighted staff and thankful crowd of veterans.
    We even brought four veterans with us, wearing our blue scrubs and singing! Among the Nashville Music Medics we represent service in the Marine Corps, Army, Navy and Air Force.


                                                                                                                                    Photo credit: Linsey Hearn
    There were plenty of smiles, a few tears, and plenty of singing-along during our program designed to tell our Nashville Music Medics story and history. We even slipped in a few of our famous Dad Jokes. They really bombed ——- (See what I said there!) As we finished, we made sure we stopped and shook the hand of every veteran in the room, thanked them for their service, and told them we hoped to see them again soon.

    One of the wonderful bright spots was a late-arriving 96-year-old veteran, Bobby, accompanied by two staff members. They had missed the full program but our No Green Bananas quartet stepped up and created some bright eyes and broad smiles giving him a personal up close encore with “The Name (Bobby) Song”!

                                                 Our Veterans: Sam, Paul, Tom, Dave

                       Another great day for the Nashville Music Medics  

     Submitted by Wayne Jackson and Sam English for The Nashville Music Medics

  • Lessons Learned and a Hospice Patient Wants Answers
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Mar 18 2024

    Nashville Music Medics Learn a Valuable Lesson!

    The Nashville Music Medics visit to The Children’s Hospital at Tri-Star Centennial on March 13th, was interesting to say the least.  We started our day with a return visit to see our friend, Mannon, once again. He was quite happy to see us, and his wonderful smile certainly did brighten our day.

    We moved on to visit a young man named Kaden, who entertained us with his singing of several Mickey Mouse Club songs after we began with The Kaden Song.  We chimed in with our own woodshedded versions just to help out.  We don’t think they’ll be added to our Disney song list any time soon. It was different for sure!

    As we were leaving, we were asked to stop in to visit a little boy named Charlie. You can imagine the number of songs that went through our minds as we approached his room. Of course none of them were used. Once we arrived and introduced ourselves, we figured we’d be safe with The Name Song; however, we soon learned that was not the case.

    Charlie was quite fidgety, and became upset when he found out that his favorite toy had been taken out of the room so that it could be opened up for him to play with. He started to cry and ran out of the room, splitting us down the middle like an NFL running back! We stopped singing and stood there a bit dumbfounded as that was another first. We had never been walked out on, let alone run out on during our singing!  As we collected ourselves to leave, we were told that Charlie was on the spectrum and even after Charlie had retrieved his toy, there was no calming him down.  As we left, his mother apologized, and thanked us for our stopping by.  We understood, and left feeling sad that we couldn’t cheer up Charlie. Many of us were thinking, Sorry, Charlie.

    That was a hard lesson to learn. There are times when no matter how much we want to help, it just won’t happen. We sometimes fail to realize how much stress some of these children and parents are under, and no matter how hard we try, we can’t improve their situation.  

    And as Nashville Music Medics move on to AliveHospice we soon learned:

    AliveHospice Patient Demands Answers to her Questions!

    The Nashville Music Medics visit to Alive Hospice on March 13th was quite different. As we have shared quite often, we never know what to expect until we arrive.

    We started our day by providing support and comfort during our visit to a patient who was a family friend of our own Dave Mensel, and his lovely wife Annie.

    We soon learned that Scott was a long time friend, part of their extended family. There were smiles and laughter with our joyful and upbeat presentation of some of our favorite tunes, including Youve Got a Friend in Me and Just a Spoonful of Sugar Makes the Medicine Go Down; and a few tears were shed as we finished with The Irish Blessing.  We knew our message was felt by Scott, with Annie at his bedside.

    As we left to visit our next room, we were asked by the Chaplin, if we would stop by the break room to sing a few songs for some student nurses who were finishing their internship at Alive Hospice before graduating.  How much fun was that! They were clapping and cheering and you can tell by the smiles captured on their faces that they had a great time.  We graciously received a number of videos they had taken during our time together.




           Another incoming visit request was from a lovely 94-years-young lady and her family.                                                       
    Tommy Lou, Tommy Lou, Tommy Lou!
                                                            What a hoot!

    She was singing, smiling and just having the best time especially when we sang The Tommie Song for her.

    After that, the questions started pouring in. She wanted to know everything about each of the ten of us. That took some time and a customary 5-minute visit turned into 20 minutes.

    What an unforgettable visit with Tommy Lou. She left us with some sage advice - “To live everyday to the fullest. She said she was well one day and the next day she was there in hospice care.”  We left her with our Irish Blessing. We were touched by this wonderful lady who was so kind and generous with her time.

    A collaboration for Nashville Music Medics by Sam English and Wayne Jackson

  • Barbershop Harmony Australia - Press Release
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Mar 6 2024

    The Nashville Music Medics and BHS Music Medics are proud and excited to share this announcement from Down Under


                                “Crikey! BHS Music Medics Head Down Under With BHA”!

    The phenomenal Nashville-based BHS Music Medics program is going international with a brand new partnership with BHA!

    Established officially in 2013, but harkening back to 1947, the Music Medics is a program designed to bring joy to sick children (and adults). Quartets, Choruses, and other small ensembles dress up in scrubs (don’t worry, you don’t need to be a doctor) and visit their local hospital to perform fun and uplifting songs* for the patients and staff with the goal of not only bringing joy and relief for everyone, but also to help bring a positive association to seeing people in scrubs.

    Since 2021, the Music Medics program has expanded to 48 named programs within the Barbershop Harmony Society across America.  We’re super excited to be bringing the Music Medics program to Australia and we’d love to see heaps of our BHA quartets and choruses join in and spread some joy.

    Send BHA President Dan Millgate an email - Music Medics EOI if you’re keen to be involved.
    • Repertoire is provided free of charge
  • Nashville Music Medics Receive Some Much Needed Therapy
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Mar 4 2024
    Nashville Music Medics Receive Some Much Needed Therapy

    Some people might say the Nashville Music Medics need therapy! We’re here to tell you that’s exactly what we received during our February 28 visit to The Children’s Hospital at Tri-star Centennial.  ASTRO the Therapy Dog along with his pal SCOUT were there to take our stress away and just enjoy our singing, even though they certainly didn’t look interested. Just so you know who’s who, ASTRO is the white dog lying down and looking rather forlorn. SCOUT is the one sitting patiently waiting to leave or maybe receive some treats, we couldn’t tell which.


    Although, it’s possible that SCOUT could use some love, as he appears to still be getting over the trauma of Halloween. Most of his costume has faded away and we’re not sure how he’s feeling. But, he and ASTRO delivered on the therapeutics as we all got some cuddles and a few strokes on the backs of their necks. I’m not going to say that the Medics have gone to the “dogs.”

    As we finished our singing in the Atrium and were about to leave, a nurse named Kelly, and called the  “ER MOM” from Centennial Hospital Emergency Room, stopped us and eagerly asked if we could come by the ER and sing for the staff there. Since we had to travel to our next engagement at Alive Hospice Residential Facility just few blocks away, we told Kelly that we’d have to see if we could make it back to the ER.

    Moving on - The Medics had another wonderful visit and experience at AliveHospice, where we met a brother and sister who were there to support their Mom.  We could see by their faces that they could use some comfort. Noting that, we sang some of our sacred music  - “It is Well With My Soul,” and “The Irish Blessing.”

    After finishing our singing, we saw the sister rummaging around some clothing on the chair in their Mom’s room. She mentioned that “It is Well” is her favorite hymn and proceeded to show us a sweatshirt with the title of the song on the front. Now, there’s something you don’t see every day!

    As we said our goodbyes and headed out, we stopped and chatted about returning to Centennial’s ER for a visit. Spontaneity took over after our chat and we decided that we we had enough Medics to take a seasoned quartet back to Tri-Star Centennial.  We knew where that Emergency Department was!  Back on the road again!

    We continually say how lucky we are to be able to provide these services. That was clear yesterday.  Once we arrived, we easily located our ER Mom, thanks to the understanding and accommodating staff.  (After all, this quartet was attired in non-threatening blue scrubs!)  “ER Mom” Kelly, assembled us at a nurses station, got on her radio and had the entire ER staff gather around, including a Nashville Fire Dept EMT who raised a “baritone” hand! As they gathered around for a couple of songs, it was evident they had never heard anything quite like this, as their eyes were open wide and their mouths just fell open. We know that the ER staff was pleased, as the Nashville Music Medics received a wonderfully warm reception, because we took time out to come and provide that much needed rest during the chaos of the ER.

    Always a great day at Tri-Star Centennial Hospital!

    Wayne Jackson and Sam English on behalf of Nashville Music Medics

    YouTube Video URL:
  • Nashville Music Medics Getting Their Valentine Sing-On!
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Feb 22 2024

    Valentine News - Nashville Music Medics Getting Their Valentine Sing-On!

    The brand new Nashville Music Medics quartet ”Not Good Enough" got our sing-on by spreading some love and happiness as we delivered a rose, some candy, and a smile, along with several Singing Valentine messages.  What fun as we surprised Bruce Curtis, Nancee Gurney, Darlene Keiner, Fred Collins, and Patricia Young!

    Most importantly to us was our chance to tell the Nashville Music Medics story and to bring some joy to those for whom we sang. What a great feeling we had when we saw the smiles and the looks of love expressed between each husband and wife as we sang.

    All of us in Not Good Enough quartet know what fun it is to do Singing Valentines, but we had no idea how much fun we would have singing to our new friends here in Del Webb Community.



    YouTube Video URL:
  • Sweetness Overload
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Feb 22 2024

    News Flash - Sweetness Overload Experienced at Centennial Children’s!

    Let me tell you - It doesn’t get any sweeter for the Nashville Music Medics than the sweetness overload we experienced at The Children’s Hospital at Tri-Star Centennial this past Valentines day! Armed with mini-teddy bears for our “kiddos” along with flowers and candy for our favorite CCLS, Sydnie Epstein, and other staff personnel, the Medics were ready to deliver some sweet songs on this day of love!

    We serenaded Ms. Sydnie right at the start of our day. To say she blushed would be an understatement, as her scrubs matched the color of the rose and the box of candy we gave her. Then onto our first stop in Oncology, where we sang to a brand new nurse intern.  She had no idea what to expect and her face gave way to a rather bright shade of red as well as we sang to her and presented her with a mini-bear.


    To say the least, the best stop of the day was with our new friend - Master Bennett! Talk about a sweet smile and bright eyes! He was just the best as he paid rapt attention to everything the Medics did as he clutched tightly to his bear. Don’t worry pal, the bear is all yours!  Mom and Dad were equally as happy, and Mom exclaimed “this was the best part of my day. Thanks for stopping in and cheering everyone up.”


    The sweet smiles we saw were all that we needed to make our day, as well!

    It’s Great to be a Nashville Music Medic

    Wayne Jackson for the Nashville Music Medics

  • NMM A New Opportunity
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Feb 7 2024

    Nashville Music Medics - A New Opportunity to Serve

    On January 31st, the Nashville Music Medics traveled to the Brentwood TN YMCA, to embark upon a new and different opportunity to serve our community with songs and smiles. We had been invited to make a presentation to explain our outreach and mission to hospitalized children and Hospice in the Nashville area. Our Music Team had prepared a program which would capture our story through song and testimony. This was another first for us so we really did not know what to expect.   

    Upon our arrival we learned that our old friend, Videographer Forrest Sanders, WTVF Channel5, was already in the building getting the lay of the land for his time with all of us. We were warmly greeted by Active Older Adults Coordinator, Rose Edgerton, who took us to the Teen Center to warm-up.  Our first stop of the day was Full Circle where we sang to Ms. Neila, a long-time friend of Music Medic, Dave Mensel.


    We learned that Full Circle is a YMCA outreach program that gives individuals with an intellectual and/or developmental disability access to classes and activities to encourage self-sufficiency, socialization and staying active—all qualities that help them build critical relationships with their typically functioning peers.
    What a treat this was for all of us. They danced around, applauded, sang along, and gave the best hugs at the end of our time with them. 

    Ms. Rose then led us to those Active Older Adults who were primed and ready for our singing and sharing.  This group was so receptive! We were just blown away (a good thing) with their appreciation for us and our program of serving our community. Having never been there before, few, if any, of those gathered, knew what to expect of  this program nor the joy that it brings to recipients and to Nashville Music Medics as singers.




    Many thanks from the Nashville Music Medics, to Ms. Rose and her staff and to Tracey in the Full Circle Center. Please keep up the great work you do for those “kiddos” there. Their smiles will be etched in our memories. 

                                                                 Keep The Whole World Singing


    And here is the link to the WTVF Channel5 broadcast segment by Forrest on February 6, 2024.

                                             Changing the World One Smile at a Time                


    Wayne Jackson and Sam English, for the Nashville Music Medics
  • We Never Tire of "Firsts"
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Jan 29 2024

                                                     We Never Tire of Firsts; We Thrive on Firsts
    After a busy, rewarding day for all of us (Medics, patients, families, staff) at Centennial Children's on Wednesday, January 24th,  we made our customary trek to Alive Hospice to complete our mission and outreach.  

    You can read all about our other “First” here at "Another Day of Firsts at Centennial Children’s” and on our Facebook Page of the same title.
    Once again we were met by "Ms. Enthusiasm", Volunteer Coordinator, Julie Davis, with a plan for patient and family visits, not the least of which was Hospice employee of twenty-three years, Marissa, seated at the reception desk. Julie alerted us that Marissa's father had passed away the week before, with a special request that we present her with our comforting harmonies on our way out.  For sure!
    Once again were faced with patient transitions among the many families visited.
    As we were preparing to gather around Marissa for her song, Hospice staffer and friend, Mike, hurriedly tracked us down requesting one more visit before leaving. Two brothers from Graves County KY were standing at the foot of their Mother's bed awaiting Hospice staff; she had transitioned just moments prior. We gathered around the brothers at bedside and did our very best in comforting with, "It is Well with My Soul". We then customarily depart with our version of “The Irish Blessing”.

    After some soft-spoken words, hugs and shaken hands, we returned to the front desk to extend our comfort to Marissa; she has heard us frequently in the building - it was different this time.
                                                   Yes, she is there

    As we were departing we crossed paths once again with Skye and Therapy Human Lisa!  As best I can recall this is the third, maybe fourth, occasion this has happened. In July 2023 we were all gathered together here at Alive Hospice in a patient room.


    Sam English, Webmaster, for Nashville Music Medics
  • Another Day of Firsts at Centennial Children's
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Jan 26 2024

                                 Another Day of Firsts at Centennial Children’s

    While visiting The Children’s Hospital at Tri-Star Centennial on January 24th, the Nashville Music Medics experienced another day of firsts. The first first was while we were warming up. This lovely, pleasant visitor seated at a table near us was listening intently to those warm-up harmonies. We now know her as Vicki Chaase. She walked the few steps towards us with her cellphone camera at the ready and asked if we would sing Youve Got a Friend in Me so she could send to her daughter, this favorite song. After further inquiry we learned Vicki had seen and heard us here in the past and now she was in our midst panning with her camera as we sung.

    We knew another something was up, a second first perhaps, when a smiling Sydnie Epstein, CCLS, showed up to escort us to our first stop of the day in the Pediatric Rehab Center. What we found was the Pediatric Rehab Center is an outpatient service for the little ones to regain their strength after their hospital stay.
    Upon arrival we were greeted by a smiling little chap named Aiden. Man oh mandid he love us! He danced around, clapped his hands and just wanted to be part of the action. Of course, when we wanted to take some pictures with him, bass Bill Munn ran up to lend a knee so Aiden had a place to sit. None of us other grandfathers ever had a chance.  

    There were a couple of other little guys who wanted in the fun. One ginger haired little boy, Shield, loved our singing from his perch on the sliding board, while I got the side eye from our new buddy, Noah. I’m not sure if he liked us or didn’t know what  to make of it all. I couldn’t get a read on him. However, we took pictures of Shield and Noah, with their moms, just because we can.


    We hope Miss Sydnie takes us there again. Needless to say we just wanted to stay and play, but duty called and other children wanted to hear us sing — on this day of first.

    Next stop was the 3rd floor nurses station, where we serenaded the wonderful staff and then on to Oncology where we renewed an old friendship with a little lady named Kaisley. Today she was just waking up so her response was not as bouncy as the last time we saw her. She did manage a wave from under her blanket. She was much happier just leaning against Daddy, and who can blame her. We ended our visits with a happy young man named Eduardo, who just hid under his blanket and clapped his hands. His smile was so bright we could see it radiate through the covers.

    Of course there was the obligatory elevator picture of our silliness on our way out from seeing our “kiddos.”          


    Wayne Jackson and Sam English, for Nashville Music Medics
  • A "Divine" Reason?
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Jan 12 2024

                                                         A “Divine” Reason?
    The Bad News (Maybe not bad but at least not good news)
    • An early morning email from our contact at the Children’s Hospital where we always begin our Wednesday morning rounds
    • An unfortunate and disappointing start for 2024 with our “kiddos” because neither of the staff was available to take us on those morning rounds
    • An unforeseen glitch but we are still scheduled for January 24th
    The Not So Bad News
    • We won’t start the day until 11:30 am at ALIVE Hospice
    • Our day won’t be quite as long
    • Take a deep breath, relax
    And The Rest of the Story.............................

    Our Music Medics today were Sam & Tom, Brandon & Phil, Kirk & Doug and Wayne & Dave.  Wayne and I were the first to arrive and were met promptly by our Volunteer Coordinator, Julie.  Julie had a beautiful grin and smile, both at the same time if you can picture that. She welcomed us and immediately shared the joy she anticipated that the thirteen patients and families were about to experience with our visits.

    Wayne and I shared a puzzled glance at one another and likely shared the same thought. “Julie, Did you say 13?  One-three. Thirteen!” 
    Julie grinned again. 

    At that moment I KNEW there was a “Divine” reason that we were unable to visit our “kiddos” this morning!!

    This was going to be a day of comfort, smiles, empathy, sympathy, cheer, and some transitions again. Julie had a list of visits to be made, along with the patient’s name and health condition today.  She also shared information about the family members eager for our visits. About 30 songs later we had comforted and blessed those families gathered.
    • We even took the opportunity to sing our “Name Song” to an adorable youngster, “Ella”. Ella was there with her family as they patiently awaited the transition of Ella’s great-grandmother. Those “kiddo smiles” brightened the entire room as Ella smiled to the first few words sung, “Oh, Ella, Ella, Bless Your Heart”.  This was also a great segue to reach this family through Ella with “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” (Toy Story).
    I learned later from Julie, on our way out, that Ella had followed us for a couple of more visits under the guise of coloring posters hung in the corridor. Julie knew that Ella was listening intently as we continued singing.
    I lost track of the “thirteen” scheduled visits.

    • Another of these many memorable visits is captured in this photo of Betty with her husband and Nashville Music Medics.  Betty was surrounded by many of her family, including daughter Deanna. We could have sung our entire repertoire including the Christmas tunes! We all wanted a photo or two to preserve these moments. Deanna rose to the occasion, assembled everyone, and gathered some cellphones (including ours) and “ta-da”!
    We are so blessed and fortunate to be able to bring some joyful moments into an otherwise quite sad gathering for most.

    Nashville Music Medics
    “Changing the World One Smile at a Time”

    Submitted by Sam English for Nashville Music Medics, January 10, 2024
  • "You Just Never Know"
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Jan 6 2024

                                                         You Just Never Know!

    While visiting Monroe Carrell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, for their first sing-out of the year, on January 5th, The Nashville Music Medics were able to put together a very entertaining program, with song, and laughter and of course our famous Dad Jokes.


    We were pleased that so many people stopped by the 2nd floor Performance Stage outside the Seacrest Studio, as one person in particular caught our eye during the performance. She and her family were singing along, as well as answering our Dad Jokes. We thought that strange as people who stop by to watch don’t always know our brand of singing, until she scurried up to chat with us at the end of our performance.

    It was then it became abundantly clear who she was and why she knew our style of music. She asked if we knew Paul Wietlisbach or if he was singing with us today. He certainly was! And he raised his hand to introduce himself. She told us that she is the daughter of a former member of the Music City Chorus - Pete Krotje.  We all smiled and said of course we know Pete, as Pete sang with us for many years before leaving for Tyler TX, to relocate his business.

    After chatting for a few minutes, we wished them well and we went on our way home, thinking about how funny it is that “you just never know” who you’ll run into when out providing our special service to these wonderful children and their families.

    Wayne Jackson, for Nashville Music Medics
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Dec 31 2023

                                         MOVING ON TO BID A FOND “AU REVOIR” TO 2023 UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN IN 2024

    Thanks, Wayne ...

    And then as we journeyed the four blocks down Charlotte Avenue to AliveHospice Nashville for our final 2023 visit I customarily find myself re-setting the mood and environment in my mind in anticipation of adapting to bless some families under quite different circumstances. 


    Our Staff volunteer Josie had a number of patients and families eager to hear some comforting messages by our assembled four-part harmony songsters.


    We saw patients and family with whom we visited two weeks prior, renewing those acquaintances with conversation and  song.  We were so pleased to be able to provide Charles (not his real name) with a great upbeat song about “Sitting on Top of The World” since he had recently accepted  his wife’s soon expected transition to a much better place. And Charles is a retired pastor of many years.


    We found ourselves at the bedside of a patient who had MOMENTS EARLIER made the transition with family at her side.  The family had heard us nearby and requested we stop in for a visit.


    The staff had requested we visit a patient to sing what they anticipated would likely be her final words and music, as the staff attended to her needs.  “It is Well With my Soul” has hopefully been with her.

    AT THIS VISIT (the third such request today)

    We were asked to visit a patient with grieving family by her side who had been admitted as we were arriving earlier.

    Often we find ourselves quite emotional and a comfort to one another as we reach out in song.  It is difficult to sing and hold back the tears, by the way (Thanks, Tommy).


    We also met a new staff member and presented our fun and favorite “Name Song” to Carolyn (who graciously provided us with her live video) as we were departing.


               Here's your song, Carolyn :                

    It is Great to Be A Nashville Music Medic.
    Thanks for a wonderful, blessed 2023 in Outreach and Ministry.
    We are blessed and privileged to bless you.

    See y’all in 2024

    Sam English on behalf of Nashville Music Medics
  • Kelsey, Not Again?
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Dec 30 2023

    Kelsey, We Are Going Where, AGAIN?    

    Much to our surprise, we were again greeted after our vocal warm-ups by our good friend, CCLS Kelsey Bryant, TriStar Centennial Children’s Hospital, to chaperone us around during our December 27th visit, our last for 2023.  More about Miss Kelsey, later. What a day it turned out to be even with very few patients to visit….and that’s a good thing!

    Most of us were holiday’d out, however, there was one erstwhile Medic who wore his Santa Hat anyway. As we left our warm-up location, Kelsey had again surprised us as we stepped out of the elevator (obligatory elevator shot attached) to find ourselves standing in front of the nurses’ station in Labor & Delivery. We sang quite a few of our rep songs as well as some Christmas favs! Told a few Dad jokes and then went merrily on our way. What a privilege to sing for these “angels” on the 6th floor. It was a most pleasant surprise and a nice “second” for all of us.


    As I mentioned earlier, it was a particularly slow day, with only one more very smart young man, 11-years old, sitting up smiling and waiting for us to sing. He begrudgingly smiled at our Dad jokes, even though he couldn’t answer them. We’re pretty sure we left him feeling happy about our visit.  Now, more on Miss Kelsey!

    Through our articles, most of you know that Miss Kelsey is about to give birth to her 2nd child. But, what we didn’t know, is how close she really is. On our way out, Kelsey informed us that she is less than 2-weeks from delivery, and that she probably shouldn’t be there anyway. One of the reasons Kelsey took us to L&D, is because during her first pregnancy, she had spent 1-week there, and was given the best care possible. She wanted to repay the favor. We believe it will be one of our regular stops. Time to learn some new music.

    Anyway….once we received that news about how close she was, we gathered in for one last group hug and many well wishes. Looking forward to hearing about her new little one, and her return to the NMM family.


    Now that we’ve finished 2023 singing at Centennial Children’s, I’m going to let my Medic brother, Sam English, finish out the year with an article about our last visit of 2023 at ALIVE Hospice.

    Over to you Sam……..

    Submitted by Wayne Jackson on behalf of Nashville Music Medics
  • Kelsey, Where are you taking us today?
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Dec 17 2023

           Kelsey, We are going where?    This was not expected!   Nor have we EVER been there!

    Much to our surprise, we were greeted after our vocal warm-ups by our ol’friend, CCLS Kelsey Bryant, to chaperone us around the MANY patients to visit at TriStar Centennial Children’s Hospital.  We had about eleven patients and family members who were eager for a couple of songs to brighten the hospital stay. It was about to become a busy day!

    We were festively in a “touch of the Holidays” with our Santa hats adorning our blue Music Medics scrubs, a few Holiday tunes to supplement our repertoire (including “Chopsticks Christmas” and “Jingle Bells”- with THE bells) and we were ready to begin our journey with Kelsey.  “When what to our wondering eyes should appear” was a nurses’ station at Labor & Delivery, when we exited the elevator! Kelsey had met one of her colleagues from L & D earlier in the morning and “TA-DA” we were about to sing some Nashville Music Medics repertoire for the full complement of L&D nurses gathered.  This detour was a great surprise and a nice “first” for all of us. 

    Click here for Jingle Bells

    After making our “rounds” with Kelsey, who was joined by CCLS Sydnie, we gathered at the Christmas tree for another customary group photo before moving on to AliveHospice for the next portion of our mission and outreach.

    We’ll see you again in two weeks.  Meanwhile, Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night.

  • Nashville Music Medics, coffee, donuts and a pew
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Dec 16 2023


    Nashville Music Medics join with donuts, coffee, hot choc and a Grand Old Opry pew

    On Tuesday, December 12th, Nashville Music Medics sent a quartet to help Vanderbilt University Medical Center celebrate a new partnership with The Grand Old Opry. This event was an open house style event in the Lobby and Courtyard of Langford Auditorium and arose from the relationship we have established with Monroe Carell, Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.

    No Green Bananas quartet (Chuck Hamilton, Doug Wooten, Paul Weitlisbach, Sam English)  represented Nashville Music Medics, singing both outdoors and indoors, to encourage the passing staff and personnel to step inside for a donut and beverage; and maybe even a photo on the Opry pew, AND even a personal serenade by No Green Bananas.

    Thanks to Angelea Yoder,, for the wonderful candid photos.




  • Nashville Music Medics - Meet Mike Frances
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Dec 11 2023

    Nashville Music Medics Meet 52 year Barbershopper
    Thanks to Chuck, Erik, Sam and Paul for responding on such short notice to make this happen for Mike. 
    I received an unidentified phone call on December 6th which I ignored as many of us do. Two hours later, 5:11pm, the same caller tried again and my curiosity fortunately got the best of me.

    Paul Lindsley with TriStar Summit Marketing had reached out to the Barbershop Harmony Society who knew how to reach us!  Paul was uncertain when his patient was to be discharged and I did not know if I could muster up a Nashville Medics quartet in the next 24-48 hours with so many of us spread over the Nashville suburbs and/or traveling for the Holidays. By the next day, just about 24 hours, we knew when Mike's anticipated discharge would be and we had four experienced Nashville Medics quartet singers ready to go, thanks to texting and actual telephone calls! 

    We met Mike and his wife and sister Friday, December 8th, along with a wonderful entourage of TriStar Summit folks, including CEO Daphne David. While we quietly awaited in the corridor outside Mike's room, Daphne greeted Mike and his family.  Imagine the Southern Hospitality - Meeting the hospital CEO!? Suspicious, Mike?
    We had a wonderful visit with Mike, sharing many Barbershop memories and friends over the years; our Bass singer, Paul, is also a 50 year member of the Barbershop Harmony Society.  We even had Mike tap Paul out and, from his bed, sing bass with us on "My Wild Irish Rose".
    So blessed that we were able to bring a little joy into that room as Mike was anticipating a discharge!

    Wishing you safe travels back home, Mike.

    This is the post that TriStar Summit Medical Center added to its Facebook page:
    Meet Mike Frances from Delaware. He and his wife and sister were on a seven-day motor coach tour of Nashville when he had a medical emergency and was taken to TriStar Summit Medical Center. Unfortunately, Mike missed the tours, and missed seeing our city, the Grand Ole Opry, the Ryman Auditorium, and for him, he really wanted to see the Barbershop Harmony Society Headquarters on 7th Ave. Mike has been a chapter member and active barbershop singer since he was 16, for the past 52 years.

    We called up the Nashville Music Medics and they made a surprise visit to Mike and his family today. We appreciate their willingness to show some Southern Hospitality to one of our patients! Mike is feeling great and being discharged today and hopes to come back to Nashville one day to get his seven day tour of our city!





    By Sam English, Webmaster
    For Nashville Music Medics


    YouTube Video URL:
  • A Special Day for NMM and MonroeCarell Childrens Hospital
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Dec 9 2023

    A Special Day for Nashville Music Medics at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt

    As part of our December 1st visit to Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, The Nashville Music Medics, were privileged to be part of Ace Hardware’s “Winter Wonderland” sponsored event. 


    What a treat it was for us to be there, as this marked the first time we’ve been able to interact with the children and their families. Along with Elsa, the Coca-Cola Bear, and Champ the Hospital’s Mascot, we brought smiles to the children’s faces as we serenaded them with a mixture of Christmas songs, and our Music Medics children's repertoire.

    Along with No Green Bananas, we were able to take another quartet with us, as our program lasted for two hours and being held outside, we alternated every 30 minutes to give each other a break and a chance to go inside and warm up.

    Unfortunately, we weren’t able to stroll around and sing, but nonetheless, we managed to sing at least one standard to several of the children, namely, “The Name Song.”  Of course, the Coca Cola Bear joined in with us, as well as Champ, as they stole the show most of the day.

    This was also very special for the Medics as it gave us a chance to draw closer with each other while we had time to talk during our performance breaks. During the years we’ve been together, we usually don’t get a lot of time to chat during our performances or even at rehearsals. 



    We always have laughter and smiles and song AND memorable moments when we visit.
    See you in January when the Nashville Music Medics again visit the 2nd floor Performance Stage at Seacrest Studios in Monroe Carell Jr. Children
    s Hospital at Vanderbilt.

    "Changing the World One Smile at a Time"

    By Wayne Jackson  for The Nashville Music Medics
    YouTube Video URL:
  • A Celebration
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Nov 24 2023

    The Name Song (Zion)

                 Nashville Music Medics Celebrate Tennessee Crossroads Broadcast


    The Nashville Music Medics celebrated their epic broadcast on Tennessee Crossroads on November 16th with a Watch Party of Medics, their families and many of their friends, hosted by Bill and Robyn Munn. This wonderful opportunity was the culmination of four years of ups and downs, COVID, and a myriad of trials, and something we never would have considered when we started in January of 2019.  There were smiles, tears, and an overall feeling of love for each other and what we have accomplished.


           Of course, there was no lack of food and     beverage to help keep the good times flowing, and being singers, well, you guessed it, a few songs were also sung. (Un)fortunately, no Dad Jokes were told, since everyone had already heard them. During the evening, our texts were buzzing, and our emails busy with congratulatory wishes of how much our friends enjoyed the show. 

    And then there is the “thanks” that must be given to our wonderful friend and the person that made this all possible for us, Miranda Cohen, The Tennessee Crossroads producer. You and your TEAM made us look great and so very proud of what we so love. Since Miranda was unable to join us, she asked for pictures of the party be shared with her. Pictures she gets !! We’ll be sure to send along our compilation for posting and media pages.


    Below is a short list of some of the best wishes greetings that were sent our way:

    Good individual interviews, great singing, good video and audio recording, but especially the purposes of the Music Medics were emphasized and communicated well. (Too bad Joes intro had yall as doctors.)
    Good segment Doc

    Dr. Stan Peppenhorst -

    I caught the TN Crossroads piece on you guys. Very cool.

    Keep spreading your joy and kindness/

    Chuck Kranitzky

    November 16, 7:15pm   (the segment ended at 7:08pm)
    Hey Sam, How you doing? My name is Brian xxxxx. I just saw your story about your group and Tennessee Crossroads. And I was interested in seeing if I could volunteer and sing with you guys. Maybe give me a try out. Myphone number 615-xxx-xxxx. Again, the name is Brian b r i a n and I was in high school musicals and several productions of several different musicals and sang Also in the Penn State ClubMen's Choir group when I was in college. I live in Nashville have since 1996 and I'd love to see if I can help out and the volunteer, too. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Have a good afternoon or evening and take care.

    Editorial Board Lake Providence News

    LP News - front page - copy attached

    Replies after a word of “thanks” for front page placement.

    Of course!
    Fran Hannan

    Barb Perrine
    Great job Wayne!😊

    Most front page worthy item we've had all year.  Thanks for what you do.
    SueBonacorsi - LP News, Chair

    They are an awesome bunch! Thanks to all of you for all your hard work !

    Very cool.  Thanks.  I will distribute this to our membership.  It should be motivating.
    Richard Condit, A Capella Texas Music Medics

    Check out this feature on my friends at Nashville Music Medics, doing what they do best! FB page
    Becci Miller - Chorus of the Genesee, Music Medics, New York 

    Great coverage of a truly fantastic community service. This is premium prime time.
    Thanks for all your work and help in getting our chapter started here in Portland!
    Smiles, Glenn
    Glenn Walton, Portland ME MM

    We loved hearing and seeing you and the other Music Medics on Tennessee Crossroads. Great coverage! Looks like everyone was having a fun time.
    Linda and Larry Baskin
    Subject: Tennessee Crossroads
    Hi Wayne,
    Just wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed watching your group. What a wonderful way to cheer up people in the hospital. You were all great! Thank you for telling us about the program. 
    Mary Ann & Paul

    On Nov 20, 2023, at 11:40β€―AM, Matthew Percy <> wrote:
    So great to watch. Such a wonderful mission. I’m glad it was captured and shared this way. 

                                                                     It Is Well

    A  collaboration for Nashville Music Medics by Sam English and Wayne Jackson

    For More Information, See:    Link to "The Irish Blessing"

    YouTube Video URL:
  • Nashville Music Medics and Vanderbilt University Homecoing
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Nov 15 2023
    Nashville Music Medics and Vandy Football Take the Stage at Monroe Carell Children’s Hospital, Seacrest Studio


    What a treat for The Nashville Music Medics to be in the house for a Vanderbilt pep rally with cheerleaders! Ohand to take the stage with some players and a coach from the Vanderbilt football team, during our November 3rd performance on the 2nd floor Performance Stage and broadcast through the Seacrest Studio channel to patients watching from their rooms.  

    To be honest, it was the players and cheerleaders who stole the show as we were in the “backfield” with our performance, as we sang in the studio proper. However, we managed to serenade one of the cheerleaders, with the “The Name Song,” as players and other cheerleaders crammed into the studio to watch her reaction. What a hoot this was!!                                      [Be Sure to click the YouTube link below]

    The singing highlight of the day came after “No Green Bananas” had finished their 30-minute set. As we were leaving the Seacrest Studio to greet everyone leaving the stage area, we were stopped by Cayce one of our hosts. He asked us if we would do a favor for some of the other players and cheerleaders. Always up for a good prank, we said YES!, of course. What do you need us to do?

    Cayce explained he was asked if we would sing “The Name Song” to one of the assistant coaches who was there. Done and Done! The coach tried to escape once we started, but the players “tackled” him before he could leave. Don’t be fooled, he enjoyed it. We have the pictures to prove it. There might be a video hanging around some place, too.

    No Green Bananas and four other Nashville Music Medics are looking forward to their  December 1st visit when we sing for the children, their families and friends at next visit to Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt’s “Winter Wonderland" party.

    By Wayne Jackson, for Nashville Music Medics




  • Alive Hospice has Nashville Music Medics to themselves
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Nov 15 2023

    On November 8th we once again visited with the patients, families and staff at the Nashville AliveHospice Residential facility.  This time we were able to spend a little more time with our friends at AliveHospice as the result of a last-minute scheduling change with our customary visit to Centennial Childrens' prior to visiting our friends at the Hospice Residential location.

    We were welcomed by Heather Bock, Volunteer Coordinator.  Heather had been our host a few weeks ago and it was a mutually fun time to be with her once again.  We (or I guess it was me) actually lost count of the number of patients and families we looked in upon on this visit. 

    We also welcomed our anticipated newest Nashville Music Medic, Dave Mensel, as he shadowed us to familiarize with our visiting routine, and jumped right in with his fine tenor voice.  (Dave is the guy hiding behind Heather in our photos!)

    by Sam English for Nashville Music Medics

  • Outsmarted by SIRI
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Nov 1 2023

    SHE’S BACK! - Music Medics Outsmarted by SIRI - Family Sing Along, Alive Hospice


    As the Nashville Music Medics finished warming up for their October 25th visit to The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial, who should walk into the room to take us on our “rounds,” but our old friend Kelsey Bryant, CCLS!!  How surprised we were to see her again. After many hugs, off we went on our visits. What a day she had planned for us. Busier than it has been in quite sometime, there were at least 12 visitations to the Oncology Unit, Main Ward and Pediatric ICU. Quite a few “Name Songs,” along with a few Brahms Lullabys, and even several "I’m Sittin’ on Top of the World" were sung, as these “kiddos” were on their way home that day.

    As we visited those children in the Oncology Unit, we stopped to see a delightful and smiley, beautiful 16-year old young lady, whose Mother mentioned she had no voice as I spoke to her. She would use her phone to type out an answer.  Unbeknownst to me, when I asked her the answer to one of my Dad Jokes, she had turned SIRI on and SIRI gave me the answer.  What was really bad was SIRI had a rather posh English accent! Needless to say, the Medics behind me were falling all over themselves at my “being had.” All I could do was to "BOO" her loudly, complain that it wasn’t fair and turn on my heels and trudge out of the room with a rather devastated look on my face.

    After goodbyes to our good friend Kelsey, who we hope to see again, we headed off to our next stop -  Alive Hospice. During one of our visits, we encountered a young lady, sitting with her Mom. She mentioned that she sings even if it was to the TV. We offered as a parting song, “The Irish Blessing.” As we started to sing a huge smile came across her face as she said, “I know that one.” We invited her to sing along with us, and we were quite impressed with her singing. That moment of joy in singing with the Medics was priceless, not only to her but to us.

    Provided by Wayne Jackson for Nashville Music Medics

  • Impressions from a First-Timer Nashville Music Medic
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Oct 19 2023

         Impressions From a First Time Nashville Music Medic

    Dear Wayne and Music Medics,

    Singing with you at Centennial children's hospital was such a heartwarming experience. I had the privilege of joining the friendliest barbershoppers I've ever met in spreading joy and uplifting spirits among the young patients, parents, and dedicated hospital staff.

    Our voices resonated through the corridors, rooms, and the hospital atrium. It was a humbling and transformative experience to witness the power of music in brightening the days of those facing challenging times.

    Walking into each room, these kids were excited, one was bashful, another used this as an opportunity to write kind words with her crayons, but we were always greeted with smiles that radiated hope and gratitude. The children, despite their circumstances, welcomed us with open hearts, eyes twinkling and faces grinning in surprise as the harmonies filled the space. We sang songs that carried messages of friendship, celebration, and even a bit of silliness, but always carrying our unwavering support of a community that deeply needs uplifting human connection.

    The hallways echoed with the sweet sound of our harmonizing overtones, creating a tapestry of melodies that transcended illness and adversity. It was a reminder of the profound impact music can have on the human spirit.

    I didn't expect the hospital staff to be so touched by our presence. They work tirelessly to provide the best care possible, and this musical interlude offered them a moment of respite.

    I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of this experience. It serves as a powerful reminder that even in the face of adversity, we have the capacity to bring light and love into the lives of others. Thank you!

    Let us continue to spread kindness, compassion, and the healing power of music.

    With warm regards,



  • Always Leave β€˜Em Smiling
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Oct 18 2023
    Nashville Music Medics Always Leave ‘Em Smiling
    During our October 11 visit to The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial,  we were pleased to have with us Tonya Grissom and Maggie Greci, several of our friends from Marketing and PR at HCA HealthCare. And just as importantly, we welcomed into our ranks our newest  bass, Brandon Seegmiller, who came  and experienced the power of this music and mission, as he sang for the first time with the Medics. You just couldn’t wipe that smile off his face!

    Our first stop of the day was with a rather precocious little girl named Veaah who was in the hematology unit. Staying with her was her 9-month old sister and Mom. Needless to say, she was asked to smile and show us her pretty face, however  we received the side-eye and one eye roll for our efforts. After saying our goodbyes, we were asked by the Dad of a toddler with leukemia in the room next to Veaah’s if we could stop and sing a song for his son before we left.


    During our last stop of the day on the main floor, we visited with Ryman, a smiling 12-year-old being discharged today without his appendix, after an ED visit the night before. What a brave guy he was!


    Finally, we offered a few tunes to some visitors from England as we entertained in the Atrium. On our way out, a nursing student arrived on the Atrium stairs with her arms full of lunch. Disappointed she had missed our singing, we of course offered her our rendition of the "name song.”
    You tell me how a day of singing can get any better than this!! You can’t!
    By Sam English and Wayne Jackson, a collaborative effort
  • New Friends and Tears of Thanks
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Oct 18 2023

    A Day of Finding New Friends and Tears of Thanks!

    During our October 11 visit to Alive Hospice, The Nashville Music Medics, again witnessed the power of the music ministry we provide when we visited Donna, who was alone in her room. She was so moved that we saw the tears in her eyes form as we sang some songs especially for her, as well as when we ended with "The Irish Blessing".

    A  Hospice volunteer across the hall, holding hands and comforting Judy at bedside, heard us and requested that we visit Judy, and sing her a few with songs. Three more songs and more tears of thanks!

    Then there was The Southern Hills Hospital primary care physician to whom we sang as he tapped his hand under the covers. We discovered one of our NMM had a family practice appointment the next day with one of his associates at Southern Hills, and that the wife of one of our Medics, a retired RN, was the Director of Nursing when Southern Hills Hospital opened many years ago. Talk about a small world we live in!

    an Alive Hospice social worker who we have grown to know in our regular visits, shared with us that we had sung to a patient a few weeks ago, and after we left, she continually talked about our singing until she transitioned 2-days later.

    To finish up our day, we met Leslie, a new Alive
    Hospice associate. Of course she received "the name song" welcome from NMM as we "finished our rounds.”


                           By Sam English and Wayne Jackson, a collaborative effort
  • Another Fabulous Day @ Centennial
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Oct 3 2023
    Another Fabulous Day With the Nashville Music Medics

    You know we tell you that every visit to The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial is the best yet, well this last visit on September 27th probably was, again! After arriving and starting our warm-up, we were pleasantly surprised with a visit from our good friend Kelsey Bryant, who had worked with as a CCLS for many months. Smiles all around were abundant as we sang a few songs and then we wished her well so that she could get back to teaching a class.

    First stop of the day was in the Emergency Department, where we sang to several happy, and smiling children. Yes, in the ED and the children were smiling! We’re sure it was the excellent care and caring attention they received while there.  Our next stop was a visit to a lovely young lady (12-yr old), Sophia Portillo. From the minute we stepped in the room, she couldn’t stop smiling. WOW! We hadn’t even starting singing yet!

    Perhaps Sophia and her entire family had never heard Barbershop music before. Sophia claimed on more than one occasion that it was amazing. It really was. We told a couple of Dad jokes. We sang a few more songs as it appeared they didn’t want us leave.

    When we started to leave, Sophia’s Dad stopped us and asked how he could repay us for the kindness we showed to Sophia. We told him their smiles, especially Sophia’s, was payment enough. It was then he stopped those of us that remained in the room, and gifted us something that we never expected. Mr. Portillo owns and operates Bunker Five Music, a bi-lingual recording studio in Nashville. He would not take “no” for an answer when he said he wanted to do a recording session for us without charge.

    Ask me if that doesn’t make your singing day FABULOUS!

    It’s Great to be a Nashville Music Medic!!

    For Nashville Music Medics by Wayne Jackson with callaboration
  • No Green Bananas + Nashville Music Medics + USC Bionic Ear Lab
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Sep 12 2023

    A Bionic Ear Lab + No Green Bananas + Nashville Music Medics
    Put them together and what have you got?

    The CI Music Hour featuring No Green Bananas
    August 24, 2023


    The Senior Quartet “No Green Bananas” was honored to have been invited to appear on the USC Bionic Ear Lab’s weekly CI Music Hour to present some acapella singing for those Cochlear Implant participants Zooming in.  We received this invitation from Chrysa Shasta Kovach, the Co-Facilitator of the CL Music Hour along with Julianne Papadopoulos.  Chrysa is long time friend of our baritone singer, Sam English.  A few years ago Sam had played string bass under Chrysa’s baton while she was with W. O. Smith Community Orchestra in Nashville, TN.    

    As we prepared for this visit we learned  that The CI (Cochlear Implant) Music Hour is a music appreciation group for cochlear implant users to practice listening and engage with other cochlear implant users.  Cochlear implants succeed at processing speech into meaningful sound, however, they don't yet process complex ranges of pitch, timbre, or harmonics very well so The CI Music Hour was created to better understand these challenges and study ways to improve the listening experience.  Chrysa and Julianne were USC Graduate School classmates. After graduation  Julianne continued working in the EarLab while Chrysa had discovered her “community mitzvah” and continues to volunteer with the EarLab.




    During our visit with the participants we were able to sing a few songs (Duh, of course!) as well as talk about Barbershop Quartet singing and how we got started. After our first song we explained how the four voice parts combine to produce this unique form of close harmony with it’s foundation in seventh chords.

    It was interesting  then to hear feedback from the contributors about how they were able to identify the various individual vocal parts or any respective difficulties experienced ... including the strategic placement of a coffee maker and towel in our tabletop video and audio configuration.

    All four of us No Green Bananas are also core singers with a therapeutic  vocal music outreach to hospitalized children and residential hospice patients, and their families, in Nashville, TN.  With the passion all of us share we could not pass this opportunity to explain the Mission of Nashville Music Medics.  We shared our experiences with Nashville Music Medics, “Changing the World One Smile at a Time”, as we offered that these poignant visits continue to be the MOST MEANINGFUL to each of us over the many years singing this style of music.   AND WE SANG A FEW MORE SONGS! 

                                       We even sang our “Maggie Song” to Maggie who was in the meeting with everyone!


    Please see these links to learn more about Nashville Music Medics as well as “Hearing the Baritone “ and “What Nashville Music Medics Means to Us”.

    Hearing the Baritone

    What NMM Means to Us

    “Thanks” once again to Chrysa , Julianne and the USC Bionic Earlab; and a special thanks to all the CI Music Hour participants who “Zoomed In” to join us while we all made some discoveries together!

                         It’s Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic, Changing the World One Smile at a Time


    By Sam English on behalf of No Green Bananas and Nashville Music Medics


  • Even More of Sweet Eve Through the Years
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Sep 4 2023

    Then.Now.And.Beyond With One of Our Patients
    Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt

    Back in 2019 when the Nashville Music Medics reported on our “Sweet Eve” visit at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, we did so after a very serious operation and what we saw in pictures in 2021, as an amazing recovery.

    Usually we never hear what happens to these precious children after their stay, but we found out later how little Eve was doing and what we found was pretty miraculous.

    In 2019, 8-month old Eve Amroun had undergone a complete liver transplant operation.We were invited by her Dad, Karim Amroun, to sing for Eve after her operation.  We found Eve to be an alert and very happy baby who was well on the road to recovery after this serious transplant procedure. Not only were Eve and her parents happy that we stopped in to sing, but the Medics were very touched to recently learn that her older brother would often sing to her after she returned home to make Eve feel better.

    Eve’s Mom - Kate, also told us that Eve is an extraordinarily feisty little girl who has a big personality, and an even bigger appetite.

    There’s no doubt that Eve has fully recovered, as you can see by the happy smile on her sweet face, here in 2021.

    Well, if you think that was a happy smiling face in 2021, we just learned today that Eve is celebrating her  Transplant 4th  Anniversary. Just look at that face here in 2023.  WOW! She’s all grown up and probably going to steal quite a few hearts with that smile. 


    Joyeux Anniversaire de greffe petite princesse!

    Memories like this make it Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic!”

    By Wayne Jackson, Events Coordinator
    Nashville Music Medics
  • Nashville Music Medics and No Green Monsoons @ Monroe Carell
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Sep 2 2023
    Marty Joins No Green Bananas in the Seacrest Studio

    Once again Nashville Music Medics were scheduled on the 2nd floor Performance Stage of  the Seacrest  Studio channel, with “No Green Bananas” quartet and tenor extraordinaire Marty filling in for Chuck. However, since the Performance Stage area remained a wee bit congested after a bevy of activities for the young patients and families, we moved into the Seacrest Studio broadcast area (where we were in great company of our old friends Mamie and Chief Sound Bubba, Corey.)  Supposedly that was the reasoning although Marty appeared to be quite interested in the life-sized cutout of Ryan Seacrest.
    Interestingly enough Chuck has suggested this iteration of "No Green Bananas" might easily identify as "No Green Monsoons
     "     (Monsons)                                                                     



    We always have laughter and smiles and song AND memorable moments when we visit.

    It has now been five months since we began these regular visits, with a live broadcast and interview with Mamie in the Seacrest Studio. There was just a bit more chatter in that Studio visit back on May 12, 2023!  

    One of the most precious moments from this visit was the unexpected meeting and greeting with Ayden and his sweet Mama, Toni, as we were walking back to the parking garage(Ayden is the one in the stroller!)                                       
    Although No Green Bananas and Marty are all Nashville Music Medics we do not often have an opportunity to “bust a few chords” (a Barbershop singing expression) with Marty as a quartet. We stopped for a few moments on the skyway to the garage to sing a couple of songs together. The two songs may have been a bit powerful; after all, we were outside!       That is when Toni and Ayden approached us with wonderful smiles.
    Hmmm?   Ayden may have been more focused on the nukkie he held tightly.  Toni had asked if we would sing something to Ayden because he had been having a bad day and, coincidentally, he loves music!  Without hesitation we knew this was the time for "The Ayden Song'.  Toni began her video as if on cue, catching some great moments with Ayden and No Green Bananas. As we parted we handed Toni our Nashville Music Medics card; she used the information on the card and within a couple of hours she had posted these adorable moments with Ayden onto our Facebook page. 

    See that YouTube link below.
                                                                  The Ayden Song  090123


    It is indeed great to be a Nashville Music Medic, “Changing the World One Smile at a Time!”

    See you in October when No Green Bananas (or some iteration of these guys)  and the Nashville Music Medics again visit the 2nd floor Performance Stage at Seacrest  Studios in Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt



    By Sam English, Webmaster 
    for The Nashville Music Medics

  • It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This Day to Remember
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Sep 1 2023

                             Will It Get Any Better Than This Day to Remember?

    Our August 23rd visit to The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial was without a doubt the most exciting visit in the Nashville Music Medics growing existence. Why was this visit so exciting you may ask - Because we were being taped for an upcoming story on TN Crossroads!!

    There was so much happening that day that we initially considered a two-part News Item.

    Our day started early due to the setup of cameras and lighting for Miranda Cohen, TN Crossroads Producer, to do some interviews about The Nashville Music Medics story and how we got started along this path.

    Miranda and her staff interviewed Wayne Jackson, and our Music Team - Chuck Hamilton, Sam English, and Paul Wietlisbach. While those brief interviews were taking place we began an early warm-up with Chuck.  With Miranda finished, the cameras got rolling with some great shots of us in action. Even warm-ups can be exciting!


    We’re not looking for notoriety; we look for those opportunities that get the word out about our mission to bring our style of music, along with some joy and comfort, to the children who are in the hospital as well as their parents and family.

    As we left our warm-up room, we traveled to our friends in the Pediatric Emergency Department where once again we found the nursing staff and physicians awaiting our arrival. We learned that our good friend Dr. Matt Jaeger was on duty. If you’ve been able to read our prior stories about the ED, you’ll remember the good Dr. sang Barbershop music while in medical school and that he has sung with us on a few other visits. More importantly to us, we took the time to sing to the nurses and ED staff, as we believe they need the care and attention often as much as their patients do.  However, we had to leave before we were able to sing to one little girl as the cameras needed to roll somewhere else and we went to our next stop, returning shortly to sing to that one smiling patient. 


    And then on to our patient visits for the day where we found a sweet young lady, Aurora, and her family waiting for us to arrive. During our singing, I found Miranda Cohen becoming a bit teary-eyed over what we were giving to this family. That reaction is what we usually see when you see feel the power of music and what good can come from a song. 

    We left to smiling faces and warm good-byes, as we make our way to The Atrium where we’ll finish up our day. However, before arriving at The Atrium, let’s back track for minute to the Emergency Department, where we returned to sing for this one little girl, Zemiah.
    Along the way, captured in pictures,   is the obligatory “elevator” shot, as well as those taken in the ED.


    We left “No Green Bananas” to serenade Zemiah in the ED and the rest of us split for a few minutes and took the opportunity to serenade a first timer, Maggie Greco, HCA Marketing.   We needed to welcome this new fan to the Nashville Music Medic followers. We had a chance to get to know Maggie and tell her about us and what we do. Of course we couldn’t let her get away without being serenaded with, you guessed it, “The Name Song.” (Also known as “The Maggie Song” at this time.) Needless to say, she was smiling and now glad to be part of the Music Medics’ growing family of followers and friends. We hope to see Maggie again soon as part of our travels to Centennial Children’s.        We "captured" Maggie and a few minutes of her song, below.

                   The Maggie Song

           Our Journey to the Atrium as captured by James Russell



    What was unique about this visit that we had all 14 of the current Nashville Music Medics participating!  That’s a first even after this many years and so many visits. We wanted to make sure that everyone was a part of this wonderful opportunity. Of course, we had to leave our TV Host, Miranda Cohen, with a parting gift. You guessed it, “The Name Song.”  (Aka “The Miranda Song” )

    The Nashville Music Medics wish to graciously thank Tonya Grissom, Abbie Magnum, and Maggie Greco, and the nurses and physicians at The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial for all their support during this epic adventure.                     
                            Standby for the TN Crossroads broadcast in a few weeks!

    We especially want to thank Miranda Cohen, Producer, TN Crossroads, for providing us this opportune time to further our mission. This day will not be forgotten anytime soon!

                               It’s Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic

    There’s no doubt in any of our minds that - The Nashville Music Medics are “Changing the World One Smile at a Time.”

    By Wayne Jackson, Events Coordinator, and Sam English, Webmaster
    for Nashville Music Medics
  • Nashville Music Medics S-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d to Our Limits
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Aug 13 2023

    Nashville Music Medics Stretched to Their Musical Limits

    There’s something to be said for having a few extra songs in your music rep, as we discovered during our last visit to The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial, August 9th.
          After finishing The Name Song, our new friend, Mannon, requested we sing "The ABC Song". After a few bewildered looks around the room, we had him lead us and we provided the best rendition we could. However, that wasn’t enough!

    Soon after we finished our ABC’s, Mannon asked if we could do "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".

    At that point, the Medics were really sweating as we all knew this was going to be full on woodshedding or “ear singing” at it’s best. Silly for us to think that would be the end of that!

    After some laughing and applauding, Mannon asked if we knew “The Whale Song.”
    The best we could come up with was some humming of “Baby Shark,” however his parents talked him out of the entire song as they saw our worried looks. We quickly said our good-byes and hurriedly exited the room, everyone laughing about the great time we had.

    Prior to visiting this little guy, we had returned to visit a little girl who was part of our “day of firsts” several weeks ago. Her name was Kasley, who had given us our first ever hugs. After we came into her room, we immediately recognized her and the Medics sang her “The Name Song” again. She remembered and had a little bigger smile on her face this time.

    I took the time to remind her about how special she was by “thanking” her for giving us those hugs at that first visit. We sang another song or two and as we started to leave, she jumped off her Mom’s lap and hugged each and every Medic as we began to leave. We all were amazed at this outpouring of love towards us. Her Mom was just beaming. Plus, our host for the day, Sydnie Epstein, CCLS, was also overwhelmed at what she saw, as she had not been with us during the first visit. You can’t even put a price on how much this means to us. Man, do we love this calling!

                                         It's Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic!

    by Wayne Jackson for Nashville Music Medics
  • How to Find Music Medics Without Really Trying
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Aug 12 2023
                                 How to Find Music Medics Without Really Trying!

                There’s a lot to be said for social media, especially if all the comments aren’t nasty. Of course, it helps if you have a lot of contacts who just happen to have a FaceBook page that you’ve liked and you’re on the BHS Music Medic Volunteer staff.

                Just the other day while scrolling through Facebook, I came across a post from a friend of the Nashville Music Medics. She used to work as a Certified Child Life Specialist at The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial, here in Nashville, before leaving to take another similar position back home in Austin TX.   I commented on her post, mentioning that it was great to see her and that the Nashville Music Medics were still busy at her old stomping grounds.

                She came back saying that it was great to hear we were still going strong and that she really missed hearing us sing and that she wished they had a Music Medics group where she works at Dell Children’s Hospital there in Austin. Ball’s in my court at that point!

                So I thumb through the BHS Music Medic Registry of groups across the country and I find the group there in Dallas. Being geographically challenged, I email the guy there in the Dallas area and he tells me that Austin is a few hours away, but he is familiar with the barbershop chorus in the area and provided me the website.  After a phone call and an email, I hear from the Performance Manager in A Capella Texas, and how excited he is to hear about this program and how they want to get a Music Medics Program started there. They were just looking for the pathway.

                Dick Condit, A Capella TX, told me they were already doing something similar but not at a children’s location, or quite as formal as the BHS program. Additionally, he claimed they would be in touch with our friend at Dell’s and hopefully get this going there to help out their patients.

                How great is that! Now we just sit and wait for all the reports coming out of Austin. Don’t you wish it was always this easy?

                We just provide the pathway!

    It’s Great to Be a BHS Music Medic!                It's Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic

    submitted by Wayne Jackson, BHS Music Medics Coordinator

  • 2nd Time Out
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Aug 11 2023
      Nashville Music Medics Learn Still More Lessons
      at Monroe Carell Children’s Hospital, Seacrest Studio


    During our recent August 4th visit to the 2nd floor Performance Stage broadcasting through the Seacrest Studio channel, The Nashville Music Medics, represented by “No Green Bananas”, learned some more valuable lessons while on stage.

    However, we need to first thank our stand-in bass Phil Berg, for ably filling in for Bill Munn who was out of town on some work thing. Imagine that! Work!  Phil just put in the work and provided a great sound during the performance. Everyone left the stage with huge grins on their faces. We think the biggest smile of all may have come from Phil. We’re sure he had a great time!  Thanks Phil!

    The Nashville Music Medics and NGB are now ready to start branching out with new quartets as we continue to build our relationship with Monroe Carell Children’s Hospital.

    Most importantly, NGB looked, felt and sounded so much more relaxed than with their first “live” performance in June. Since we knew what to expect, we were better prepared to provide a top rate performance. We were quite pleased with the number of patients and family members who decided to sit a while and listen, as well as the staff who decided to stop on their way by and participate.  Of course, we had no idea who may have been joining in the fun on the other side of the screen during our Dad Jokes!

    See you in September when No Green Bananas and the Nashville Music Medics again visit the 2nd floor Performance Stage at Seacrest Studios in Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.


  • New Friends at AliveHospice
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Aug 1 2023

    Nashville Music Medics Make New Friends at Alive Hospice

    The Nashville Music Medics have a way of making new friends even in the darkest times, especially when we sing for our friends at Alive Hospice.  And, we always come away feeling so uplifted from these experiences that it’s sometimes hard to put into words. 

    During our recent July 26 visit, we met a wonderful lady named Bertha, who didn’t have a family member there, but nonetheless was still spreading her own unique style of joy through her beautiful art.  She had heard us earlier during our visit, and complimented us on our singing, however, we were the ones who really benefitted by our brief visit with her when she told us her story and why she was there as a volunteer.

    Our first visit of the day was with a young lady named Ross. She was there with her younger brother and Mom.  Heather Bock, our Volunteer Coordinator for the day, popped her head in the door of this young lady’s room and asked if they’d like to hear some music. The most excited of all was her brother who asked “Do they have that harmonica thingy with them?” What a hoot!

    Harmonica   Thingy"

    Yes, we never leave home without it. Ross was so sweet. She had no idea what we did and was so surprised when we sang her the Name Song. Yes! You can sing that with only a one syllable name!

    We finished up our day by meeting Carol. She was there standing vigil for a family friend, along with Joe, the patients brother, and an Alive Volunteer named Lisa with her service dog Skye.  Skye was really cool, as he knew instinctively how to work the camera

    While on the subject of making new friends, we certainly made one that day when we met Volunteer Coordinator, Heather Bock. She was so warm and friendly to us. She was a joy to work with. She was quite moved by the impact we had on the residents, having not had the chance to see or hear what we do.  We suspect she’ll be following us along the way now after working with us during this last visit.


                                    Bertha and her admirers                                                                                                        Heather
    It’s Great to be a Nashville Music Medic

  • A Fond Farewell to Mary
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Jul 29 2023

                              Nashville Music Medics Say Farewell to Another Friend

    There must be something in the air, as the Nashville Music Medics bid Mary Bueche, Certified Child Life Specialist, The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial, a fond farewell during our July 26th visit. Mary will be leaving to pursue a different career path as a Pre-K teacher. If there were anyone suited to be a Pre-K teacher, it would be Mary. 

    After we serenaded Mary with her own personal name song - “Mary’s a Grand Old Name,” we presented her with a small token of our appreciation for her support and love she has given us. After hugs all around and the now famous elevator pictures were taken, Mary took us around one last time to visit our “kiddos.”


    It certainly was a great visit with Arianna, who we had visited once before. She was all smiles as we entered the room. She immediately requested that we sing some of the songs we sang to her last time we visited. 

    That was followed up with a visit to a really happy young lady named Faith, who was so excited to hear us sing, as someone had told her all about us. HMMM! Wonder who told her that. She exclaimed she had never heard anything like our style of singing before and was surprised when we told her we had a “name” song just for her. Of course, everyone was smiling when we sang our signature song - You’ve Got a Friend in Me.” 

    We ended our visit in the Emergency Dept. by singing to two other children. We hoped they felt a little better once we left. Their mothers certainly looked happy at the comfort we provided them and their children.

    The Medics wished Mary one last good-bye and told her to be on the lookout for some suspicious guys in scrubs coming to her new school. I’m telling you! How much fun will that be singing for kids 3-5 years old.

                                          Its Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic!
  • A Song for Eileen
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Jul 25 2023
                            β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹   β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹   β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹  ​​​​​​​  ​ 

                               Music Medics Mission Expands Across Multi-Gen

    Losing a spouse is hard. And ditto for sharing the loss of a neighbors spouse. 

    On July 15th, The Nashville Music Medics shared in the eulogy of a neighbor near my home in the Del Webb Lake Providence community.  On June 22nd, the Medics had sung for Eileen Edwards and her family at Alive Hospice. During the summer of 2022, Alive Hospice was added to our original mission of song that began in the Tri-Star Centennial Children’s Hospital. Twice a month, the Medics would serve A Spoonful of Sugar” or a jolly Youve Got a Friend in Me” to toddlers and teens alike. And hospital staff would occasionally get a more robust barbershop blast during lunchtime in the reverberating open-ceiling atrium. Since then, Alive Hospice has been part of our regularly scheduled sing outs.

    On this July Saturday morning, the clubhouse ballroom was standing-room only with folks who gathered to honor and reflect on the life of Eileen Cross Edwards. Eileen had been active as a member and volunteer in Del Webb clubs and organizations. She was regularly involved in major events sponsored by the Del Webb Lifestyles Committee. Eileen and her husband Phil were often seen walking around the Del Webb lake with their friendly labrador, Patrick Henry. And no surprise to friends, Eileen hosted some very memorable St. Patricks Day parties with tasty home cooking. The Celebration was led by Providence Church Pastor Mark Youngman, who delivered a heartfelt celebration of  life message about Eileen.

    Family, residents, and friends had opportunity to share how Eileen had made a difference in their lives as a loved daughter, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, and friend. Nashville Music Medics sang the well-known hymn It is Well With My Soul,” penned by a father after the death of his four daughters on a transatlantic voyage. We continued with Irish Prayer,” which was received with many teary eyes. That response touched every Medic while we finished singing the words May God hold you in the palm of his hand.” The service concluded after Phil Berg and I sang a couple of verses from the hymn In the Garden” (C. Austin Miles).

                                  Nashville Music Medics                                                                                 James, Phil & Ukeleles

    When Phil Edwards and daughter Jennifer asked me if the Nashville Music Medics would participate in Eileens Celebration of Life service, I was honored and somewhat anxious at the same time. This was uncharted music territory for our band of merry men. With family summertime travels already in full swing, or in the planning stages for some of our group, I felt a little too vulnerable by the idea of singing for a neighbor who lived on my street. Eileen was a neighbor who made me and others laugh at her funny stories and adventures. She broke bread with my wife and I at her house parties with other neighbors. Initially, I was hopeful enough for the availability of a quartet to sing on Saturday. Instead, more than twice that number arrived in their blue hospital scrubs to boost my doubting-Thomas faith. For the first time, Nashville Music Medics shared song in a special service where tears were shed and praises were spoken. And they touched my heart. Love you guys.

    By James Lewis Russell, For Nashville Music Medics


  • Nashville Music Medics reach to Australia
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Jul 18 2023

                    Nashville Music Medics Cheer up President of Barbershop Harmony Australia

    Barbershop Harmony Australia (BHA), President, Dan Millgate, was on his way home from the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) convention in Louisville KY when he found himself unfortunately delayed in Nashville TN where he was to catch his flight home to Australia.
    The Nashville Music Medics had been visiting one of the local children’s hospitals as is our bi-weekly custom.  While singing for the children we learned about an incident involving a motor vehicle, a motorized scooter and the BHA President which had occurred a day or two prior.  Without hesitation a quartet of Nashville Music Medics (“No Green Bananas”, aka “No Green Erik” in light of the conflict for NGB’s baritone) piled into Erik Dove’s chariot and headed for the Vanderbilt University Medical Center to find Dan and to (hopefully) cheer him up a wee bit.
                                                                  (Erik)                    (Bill)                    (Doug)              (Chuck)

    Chuck Hamilton, Music Director for Nashville Music Medics, was among this adventurous foursome and reports successfully locating Dan and presenting him with a Nashville Music Medics greeting beginning with “The Dan Song” which is eerily familiar to “Honey, Little Lize”.  After  blessing Dan with our signature song for our kiddos, “You’ve Got A Friend in Me”, they belted out “From the First Hello, To the Last Goodbye” and said their goodbyes, wishing Dan a speedy recovery and safe travels back to Australia.

    Chuck reported that No Green Erik “penalized” a Nurses Station on the way out with another “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” and then a Security Guard, and then the entire Emergency Department waiting area!  ! !

    I was able to get in touch with Dan as he was boarding his flight July 16th for his 28 hour journey. He shared this with me:
                On 07/16/2023 4:28 PM CDT Dan Millgate wrote:
           Hi Sam
          Thanks for your message! Yes I am on the mend. It’ll take a while but I have been very       well cared for here in Music City. 
    I sent Erik a message that he might not have seen yet, but it applies to all of you:
     “Mate, I can’t thank you and the other Music Medics enough for singing to me the other day. You really made a huge impact and I’ll never forget it. 
    I had read about you in the Harmonizer and thought it was a beautiful thing to do, but experiencing it first-hand just confirmed for me the power of music and the immense pride I have in being part of the barbershop family. 

              You’re awesome. Thanks.”
    Here are a couple of songs that helped bring so much joy to a rather   grim situation. 
    I’m off to board the plane now - should be home in about 28 hours! Thanks again

    The Nashville Music Medics made at least 100 new friends in this adventure to surprise Dan.

                   It’s Great to be a Nashville Music Medic, “changing lives one smile at a time”

    (Sam English 07/16/23 for Nashville Music Medics)

  • A Day to Remember - Again!
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Jul 15 2023

                                           A Day of Firsts for Nashville Music Medics!

                                               Medics to Hire New PR Man

    We started our day visiting a delightful little girl in the Oncology section. Those visits are always so tender, especially when they are a bit younger.  Kaisley, a 4-year-old little girl was hesitant at first to have us sing, so she decided to sit in her Mom’s lap the entire time. Once we finished, we said our good-byes and wished her well. We weren’t too far from the door of her room when she came running, and asked if it was OK to give us a hug. WELL YES! Great to watch 7 older gentlemen crumble when this little girl asked that question. We’ve been at this now for over 4-years and this was the FIRST time any of our kiddos has asked to give us a hug.

    Our 2nd visit was with an 8-year-old boy named Ming. We knew Ming;this was the 3rd time we visited him! However, he was happy and smiling and glad as always to see us. We decided to sing him some different songs since he was familiar with our usual stuff. Little did we know that he’d been out “singing” our praises to the other children close by to his room. Apparently, he had stopped by the young lady’s room next to his and told her all about us. The Medics could certainly use a PR guy. We’ll have to inquire and see if he’s available!!


                                                                 CLICK HERE FOR               A Serenade with "The Ming Song"

    Which leads us to our next visit, Miss Molly, a really cool 13-year old, as evidenced by all the decorations in her room and who was quite excited to see us and hear us sing. Before we even got started, she asked if all of us would sign her autograph book. As I mentioned earlier, we’ve been at this now for over 4-years and this was the FIRST time any of our kiddos has asked for our autograph.


    Last stop of the day was the PICU. There we sang to a lovely little girl and her Grandma GIGI, presenting us with another opportunity to serenade “GIGI” with “The Name Song.” They were both surprised and smiled profusely during our visit. The staff loved it as well.

    There’s no doubt in any of our minds that -The Nashville Music Medics are “changing the world one smile at a time.”
  • Nashville Music Medics Take The Stage at Monroe Carell Children’s Hospital, Seacrest Studio
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Jun 23 2023
    Nashville Music Medics Take The Stage at Monroe Carell Children’s Hospital, Seacrest Studio

                            β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹    

    What a treat for The Nashville Music Medics, represented by No Green Bananas, when we learned our June 13th performance was being held on the 2nd floor Performance Stage and broadcast through the Seacrest Studio channel to patients watching from their rooms.  

    The performance had a uniquely different feel to it as not only did we sing to a “live” audience who were seated near the stage, or just strolling by, but also knowing there were other patients who were watching No Green Bananas on the television in their rooms. The guys worked extra hard to ensure that everyone, whether there in front of them, or in the patients rooms, were equally entertained.  We’re always appreciative of the warm reception we receive from those who can watch and hear us sing.

    The singing highlight of the day came after No Green Bananas had finished their 30-minute set and were greeting folks. The quartet was approached by an adorable little girl who had heard them sing “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” and excitedly exclaimed, I know that song!  The guys gathered around her and her family and gave her a personal re-singing of what has become a theme song for us.
                                                                            YouTube Link Below

    The high point of the day for us was when we were invited to come back and sing on a regular basis.  Of course we said YES!

    No Green Bananas and the Nashville Music Medics are looking forward to their next visit to the 2nd floor performance stage at Seacrest Studios in Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.

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                                                                       Its GREAT to be a  Nashville Music Medic

    YouTube Video URL:
  • Bidding a Fond Farewell to our Friend
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Jun 22 2023
    Nashville Music Medics Bid a Fond Farewell

    During our June 21st visit to ALIVE Hospice, we joyfully bid a fond farewell to Lynn Edtl, Volunteer Coordinator. Lynn is leaving ALIVE Hospice to pursue a different career path.  Prior to our visiting with patients, we took a few minutes with Lynn, letting her know how important she was to our success at ALIVE Hospice and how much we appreciated her support over the last year. The Medics wanted to show Lynn how much we “loved” having her with us, and gave her a small token of our appreciation, which she is wearing, and wore during our visit.  As we left, Lynn let us know that today was not the last time we would see her, and left us with a “see ya later.”

     Its Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic .
  • This. Is. Why. We. Sing.
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Jun 14 2023
    Once again, This is Why We Sing!  (by Wayne Jackson)

    I know! You’re probably getting tired of this same article being written over and over ………. Not Sorry! THIS IS WHY WE SING!

    The Nashville Music Medics think it’s important for all of our friends to know why we sing and to help promote this program to other singers who may be on the fence about joining in and becoming a Music Medic.

    Our singing day last week, Wednesday, June 7th, could have been difficult as we had a few last minute calls/texts from some of the guys who were unable to make it; however, as Paul W explained,

    “It was tight but we had the 4 parts covered all day and sang quite well. The guys sang like the Champions they are. We seem to be singing for more patients these days at ALIVE Hospice. It does make for a long day especially for the guys that are still working stiffs; However, it is indeed great to be a Nashville Music Medic.”

    Marty M mentioned,

    “I came from an already busy day (like all of us still working), but did break away to feed myself AND serve others some joy and smiles.  Even before I got to sing, the two ladies in the elevator said
    you're here to sing, we love you guys! After the Atrium in the elevator another lady said, that was awesome!” 

    Bill M told us -

    “Definitely had a great day, and always feel like WE are blessed to have the chance to do what we do. A couple other comments that I heard were
    You are all angels sent by the Lord and Never stop doing what you are doing! Certainly keeps me wanting to go back every time I can. In many cases the extended family and staff are more touched by what we do than the kids or folks that are transitioning.”                             Its great to be a Music Medic!

    Sam E summed the day up with these comments –

    As we left Chloe’s room (a very sweet teenager who had correctly answered Wayne's "test" question), I told her mother Here's hoping we don't see you back here again, and you understand what I mean!  She smiled broadly and said 'It's sad that we are sick and need to be here, but you sure have brightened up this day for us.  

    “WE MADE IT THROUGH WITH GREATNESS, BLESSINGS AND BEING BLESSED IN RETURN!  It's GREAT to be a Nashville Music Medic; always generating smiles and continually changing the world just one smile at a time.”

    This. Is. Why. We. Sing.

    You've Got a Friend in Me, a few bars
                                                                                                                      "Sittin' on Top of the World"                                                                                                            
  • And ALIVE HOSPICE Loves our visits!
  •  Date Posted: Tue, May 30 2023
    And Alive Hospice-Nashville LOVES the visits by Nashville Music Medics

    The day after our bi-weekly visit, May 24th, to Alive Hospice we were thrilled to see that Alive Hospice had posted to their Facebook page before we could get our editing and proofreading staff together to prepare. [Yeah, that is either one or two of us]


    YouTube Video URL:
  • Nashville Music Medics are joined by a Harmony Town Music Medic
  •  Date Posted: Wed, May 24 2023
    Nashville Music Medics and HarmonyTown Music Medics Sing Together

    We keep saying that singing as a Music Medic can’t get any better each and every time we go out to provide a song and a smile, but there you have it, as we were proved wrong on Wednesday, May 24, when the Nashville Music Medics sang with our new friend, Charles Malbandian, from HarmonyTown Music Medics, Wayne, Michigan.

    Charles was passing through Nashville and decided to stop in and visit the Music City Chorus on Tuesday. After meeting a couple of the Nashville Music Medics and talking with our own Kirk Jordan, Charles learned that our Music Medics were on the road the next day and he hung around just to sing with the Nashville Music Medics. He joined us as we moved through Centennial Children’s Hospital during our bi-weekly visit to sing for patients and families.

    During our visits with the Centennial patients we were thrilled to visit with Destiny, an adult patient celebrating a transplant earlier in the week. She was enthralled and thrilled with our visit and the songs we shared which included   Sitting on Top of the World in celebration of her transplant.

    We also visited with Arrianna and her mom and sisters, Avrianna and Ahrianna.
    Of course we had to sing the Arrianna song; our bass decided we could include all 3 names as we sang. Now that was entertaining!

    We won't hold it against Charles that he sings in the Harmony Town Music Medics quartet with this Eddie Tabb guy!

  • No Green Bananas represent Nashville Music Medics at Monroe Carell
  •  Date Posted: Mon, May 22 2023
    Nashville Music Medics on The Big Stage at Monroe Carell Children’s Hospital, Seacrest Studio

    Although the words, “These are the Nashville Music Medics” werent said quite like that during our first visit to Monroe Carell Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt on May 12th it certainly felt like it.  The Nashville Music Medics resident quartet, No Green Bananas, visited the Seacrest Studio for their chance to serenade the entire hospital from the studio’s state-of-the-art broadcast facility.

    During their thirty-minute program, they sang a selection of songs used when we visit other children’s hospitals in the Nashville area. We even got a chance to sing for the man himself, Ryan Seacrest, using our rendition of the “name song.”  They also chatted with the on-air personnel about the Music Medics, providing  a short history about the Music Medics program, when Nashville started theirs, why we sing the music we do, and the reason why we wear scrubs.

    It certainly was a great day for No Green Bananas and the Nashville Music Medics. It may have been the highlight of our Medics journey.

    “After the nationwide vote was taken,” it was agreed that, No Green Bananas and the Nashville Music Medics were a “great bunch” of guys and that they’ll surely return soon for another visit to Monroe Carell Children’s Hospital.

  • Announcement - Monroe Carell Jr. Childrens' Hospital, Vanderbilt
  •  Date Posted: Thu, May 18 2023
     A New Singing Partnership Begins!

    On 12 May, The Nashville Music Medics made their first ever visit to Monroe Carell Jr. Hospital at Vanderbilt. This performance is the start of an exciting new partnership with Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt and we hope the Nashville Music Medics can return often, so that we can “change the world one smile at a time.”  

    Many thanks to the Monroe Carell Jr. team that helped make this possible.

    It’s Great to be a Nashville Music Medic!


  • Another ALIVE! Surprise
  •  Date Posted: Wed, May 17 2023
    Nashville Music Medics Are Always Full of Surprises!

    During the Nashville Music Medics 10 May visit to ALIVE Hospice, we managed to surprise another unsuspecting social worker while we were making our way around the campus visiting residents.

    Once we found out her name (Kaitlyn), she was serenaded by, you guessed it, the now world famous “name song.” Needless to say, she was both pleased and embarrassed by our singing to her. She left with a big smile and more importantly, a better understanding of our mission to “change the world one smile at a time.”

    Thanks Miss K, and Welcome to the Nashville Music Medics family.

  • Making New Friends, Again
  •  Date Posted: Mon, May 15 2023
                      Nashville Music Medics Making New Friends Along the Way

    Whenever The Nashville Music Medics go out to sing for the children, we always hope to make new friends. During our 26 April sing-out at The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial, we made new friends. How cool is that!

    We were pleased to meet Sidnie, a new Child Life Specialist, who has a jolly personality and a winning smile. Little did she know that she was going to be initiated into the NMM family when we began by singing to her. I’m sure you can guess what song we sang. Fortunately for us, she proved to be a good sport about the embarrassment we caused her.

    We then met a precocious 13-year old patient in the Oncology Unit, who much to our surprise and delight was able to guess the answer to our Dad Jokes. It was smiles all around when she started singing along with us to You’ve Got a Friend.

    From there we travelled to the ATRIUM where we met what NMM believes to be our first “groupie.” She told us that she attends our mini-concert every time we sing there. It doesn’t get any better than that. And, this happens every time we sing.

    It’s Great to be a Nashville Music Medic

  • No Green Sagacity?
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Mar 22 2023

                                                              “NO GREEN SAGACITY"

                                                                               Bill                  “Wezul”                   Chuck                Kirk           Mary

    The Nashville Music Medics were just a bit stretched today with available medics to join in the bi-weekly adventure.  Half of our quartet “No Green Bananas” was in the mix and half of another former quartet “Sagacity” was able to fill the dance card.  “No Green Sagacity” reached out and made us proud.  As our Sagacity lead, Kirk, explained in an email:

    “True to the Barbershop tradition, the Nashville Music Medics turned into a real quartet today.  During our singing, real tears flowed from two of the patients (which took us by surprise because we didn’t think we sounded that bad ! J) The census was low at Centennial Children’s Hospital today; still we sang for a 7-year-old boy who asked, “Where did you guys learn to sing like that?”  
    Kudos to Wezul who sight-read on Bari today.                     And to Bill for photos to placate Sam.

  • Our "Gracie Moment" : Singing gone to the dog
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Mar 10 2023

    Nashville Music Medics Once Again Sharing at AliveHospice Residential Facility-Our Singing Gone to The Dog

    Six of us comprised the Nashville Music Medics contingent that paid our bi-weekly visit to AliveHospice on March 8, 2023. However, none of us (Erik, Mike, Paul, Sam, Kirk and Chuck) expected we would have an anonymous tenor sing-a-long participant in one of our first patient/family visits.

    We have frequently reported that we never know what to expect, nor what impact might be shared with families, patients and those of us making the visit.  As we were sharing our “Name Song”( aka “Honey Little Lize”)  for one of our first patients and her sons,  we heard a not-so-muffled Bb obligato drone tone coming from the floor area to our left; it stopped momentarily but then resumed again with vigorous enthusiasm. We soon discovered it was “Gracie”, the Chihuahua, from the comfort of her crate!  Gracie was removed from her crate to the comfort of a lap while we finished the song (albeit along with Gracie’s tenor Bb!)  We will likely consider this “Gracie Moment” one of those memorable happy occasions.  It must have been the tempo and enthusiasm of the song; Gracie had no interest in singing along with the next two songs we shared.
         It’s Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic.

  •  Date Posted: Sun, Feb 19 2023
    DOUG IS BACK ! ! ! !

    On February 14, 2023 No Green Bananas was privileged to present Singing Valentines to Dr. V. Seenu Reddy, his gathered staff and associates at TriStar Centennial Medical Center on behalf of our Lead singer, Doug Wooten.


    No Green Bananas
     quartet members are also regular singers with Nashville Music Medics. (

    On January 10, 2023 Doug underwent triple by-pass surgery by Dr. Reddy, Tri-Star Cardiovascular Surgery. Nashville Music Medics were at Tri-Star Centennial Childrens Hospital on January 11, 2023, presenting our customary bi-weekly outreach to the children and families, under the guidance of the staff of the Centennial Certified Child Life Specialists.  At the same time, Doug was in resting in Cardiac SICU less than 24 hours post-op.  After securing approval from the ICU staff and Doug's family we made our way to sing for Doug.  On February 14th,Valentines Day, Doug sang in great voice and renewed health in a full day of Singing Valentines deliveries with his quartet (and guest bass, Paul Wietlisbach), including a stop at Tri-Star Centennial as a gesture of sincere thanks and great appreciation for the personal care and professional expertise to put him back on his feet in full voice!

    No Green Bananas was one of three quartets who participated in the annual Singing Valentines promotion sponsored by the Music City Chorus in Nashville, TN.
    Two of the Valentines songs sung for Dr. Reddy and his staff were Sweet and Lovely and The Tonya Song.


    We invite you to take a moment to share the joy we experienced with Doug, No Green Bananas, and Dr. Reddy's staff and colleagues. Sweet and Lovely  The Tonya Song

    Sam English
    on behalf of No Green Bananas and Nashville Music Medics

  • Elevator Fun & Ironman Medic
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Jan 31 2023
    Elevator Fun With Chloe and Medics IronMan Doug Returns

    The Nashville Music Medics made a new friend during their January 25th visit, when they were introduced to Miss Chloe, while making the ‘rounds at The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial.  This turned out to be a special treat for Chloe as she isn’t usually assigned to Centennial on Wednesdays. She was so excited to get to hear us and was very appreciative of the work we do in support of the children. Of course, we had to take the obligatory picture with her and wished her well and much success while finishing her schooling.

    What was even more exciting than making a new friend, was the return of our Music Medic IronMan, Doug Wooten. Just two short weeks after his January 10th by-pass surgery, he returned to the fold to sing with us. We were simply amazed at how great he looked and of course how well he was able to sing….was there ever a doubt ?

  • In Memory of David Leslie Thomas
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Jan 29 2023
                                                                           "This is Why We Sing" 

    In Memory of   

                                                                            David Leslie Thomas

                                                             February 23, 1959 – January 25, 2023

    In June 2022, we (the Nashville Music Medics) expanded our charitable outreach mission by singing in one of the Nashville hospice residences. Our goal at the hospice is the same as when we sing for the children:  to bring joy and comfort through our music for them and their families. Our mission is simple – to provide the wonderful and powerful medicine of a smile and a song.

    The first time we met David was during our holiday visit to ALIVE Hospice on December 21, 2022, when we sang Christmas Carols with the residents and their families.

    On January 11th, we once again stopped in to see David. [ "Nashville Music Medics Go to Music School" ]This time he was so engaging that he joined in to sing with us and taught us a few things about our craft. We enjoyed his company so much that we took some extra time to teach him a barbershop “tag.” We learned that David was no stranger to performing as he talked about some of his past performances. Needless to say, we were very impressed and encouraged. 

    We last visited David on January 25, 2023, when we sang two new songs that we knew he would want to hear. Sadly, by that time his health had declined so significantly that he was unresponsive.

    The Medics were crushed to learn of his passing later that evening.  David left a profound mark on all of us as several of the Medics had grown close with him over the last several weeks, and several made the following remarks when they learned the news of his passing:

                James Russell: “My song-writing buddy and I were truly blessed by David one Saturday morning as we were playing and singing songs together in room 173. He touched our lives—along with so many others. We are saddened by his death. He was a gifted and inspiring musician with a great sense of humor who loved to entertain with his music.”

                Bill Munn:“Very sobering that someone this alive and talented can be gone so quickly. I did see him move a couple times as we were singing yesterday, so I know he heard us.” 

                Wayne Jackson: “Our good friend and musical brother David has left us. As a body of musicians, we were truly inspired and touched by the time we spent with him. He meant a great deal to us.Knowing a little about his background, I believe the recent song he wrote was one of hope.”

                Dick Percy: “I was so moved to listen and watch David perform there in his hospice room.  The visits we had with David were so inspirational.  We always had trouble leaving the room - just one more song!  I am so fortunate to have crossed paths with David even for just a brief time.  A talented young man who left this earth too soon.”        

                Marty Monson: “I remember singing for him before the holidays, and he had his guitar in the room.  He sang along and loved our harmony...I think we sang a few extra songs too! “

                Sam English: “Crushed!  I remain so touched by David that the Nashville Music Medics were among the last folks to visit him on January 25.”

    Sam had grown particularly close to David, so much so that David reached out to Sam with the new song he wrote, “When We Meet Again,” so we could arrange the song in four-part harmony Barbershop style.  David did a personal video recording for Sam from his hospice room on January 20thSam said “I will forever cherish that Facebook moment with David.  David was so willing to talk with me about the onset of his disease, but before we could talk much about that opportunity, his health deteriorated… and regrettably I missed that moment.”

    Clearly, when we sing for the precious children and their families, and our Hospice friends, we firmly believe that the Lord’s hand is upon us, blessing this ministry that we share. That feeling was never more evident than the last time we sang for David.  Our mission is truly a mission of mercy and love.

    This is Why We Sing.

    Rest easy, Brother David

    With kind permission from ALIVE Hospice, we share David’s last offering of hope and joy which was published by Alive Hospice the day before he peacefully passed.

    Wayne Jackson, Sam English, for Nashville Music Medics
    January 27, 2023

  • Nashville Music Medics go to music school
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Jan 14 2023

    Nashville Music Medics Go to Music School

    It’s not everyday the Nashville Music Medics run across a resident who joins right in to sing along, and who can also teach us a few things about how to sing. But, that’s what happened during our 11 January visit to ALIVE Hospice.  After receiving a warm greeting from Lynn, the Volunteer Coordinator, we set off to bring some comfort to the residents and their loved ones.

    During our first visit of the day we met "Rick" [not his given name at birth], who was so engaging, that he joined in to sing with us, as well as teaching us a few things about our craft. Co-incidentally he did have his guitar and a keyboard in the room. "Close the door, so I can sing"..Rick.  We enjoyed his company so much that we took some extra time to teach him a Barbershop “tag.” He of course was note and pitch perfect.  We quickly learned "Rick" was no stranger to performing. He talked about some of his past musical exploits and needless to say, we were well impressed. 

    On our way to our next visit, we wished 'Rick" well, and hoped to see him again. The Nashville Music Medics aways look forward to their next visit, because, you just never know who you’ll meet along the way…..

  • The Medics Sing for one of our Own
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Jan 13 2023
    The Medics Sing For One of Our Own

    During our most recent visit to The Children’s Hospital @TriStar Centennial on Wednesday, 11 January, the Medics made two new friends as well as having the privilege of singing for one of our own. Upon arrival, the Nashville Music Medics were met by our new friend Tanika Torres, Director of Pediatrics, who along with Pam, Pediatric Floor Manager, escorted us to each room we visited.  They were such a pleasure to be with. We’re always grateful when we come to visit our “kiddos,” and are always pleased when we’re able to sing for members of staff who have not heard us before.

    Thanks ladies!

    To top off our day, we had the privilege to sing for our Nashville Music Medics brother, Doug Wooten, who happened to be in the Heart and Vascular section, recovering from by-pass surgery. Doug looked great and it certainly looked like he was well on his way to getting back to singing with us in the near future. You know, you can’t keep a good man down, as Doug sang right along with us. As usual, Doug didn’t miss a beat or a note.

    Get well soon Doug!


    [Editor Update:  14 January 2023.  Doug is smiling and recuperating at home. And he looks like he is hungry...for some ringing 7th chords.]

  • The Harmonizer - January-February
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Jan 7 2023

    Lorin May, Editor, The Harmonizer, spent a few hours with The Nashville Music Medics while we visited with our "kiddos" at Tri-Star Centennial Childrens' Hospital. He talked with the staff and the parents; he walked with us from room to room.  This is his finished product.

    His featured seven-page article begins on page 18
  • A Look back with Alive-Hospice Nashville
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Dec 30 2022

    Well, while we thought that our "Ending the Year on a High Note' from yesterday would conclude the Latest News for 2022 I was pleased to have discovered that our friends at AliveHospice-Nashville had posted a "looking back over 2022" on their Facebook home page and included one of our visits, July 2022, when we visited with Joseph, sang with Joseph and laughed with Joseph as we shared our four-part harmonies!

    It has been a wonderful relationship established with AliveHospice this year, furthering our outreach  to bring some joy one smile at a time.  We are pleased they thought enough to include us in their end-of-year favorites photo collection.  That Facebook post has been captured in these screenshots.  

    Blessings and Peace to all in 2023.

    It is Great to be a Nashville Music Medic

  • Ending 2022 on a High Note
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Dec 29 2022

                                               Nashville Music Medics End Year on a High Note



    No pun intended (sure there is!) as the Nashville Music Medics really did end our year on a high note. We started our day by singing at The Children’s Hospital at Tri-Star Centennial, where we met a little girl who was absolutely beaming at the sight of her Daddy ringing bells during our singing of Jingle Bells. We then sang for a happy little guy who just danced around while we sang, and thanked us for coming by. We finished our time in the children’s ward singing for a 14yr-old who smiled politely. We couldn
    t tell whether he was just tolerating us, although he did invite us into his room. 

    From there we moved to the Atrium



    We sang to an appreciative crowd who was looking down from many floor balconies above. There’s nothing like singing in a place where the chords really ring.

    One of our Medics, James, claimed it sounded like Barbershop on steroids.  We finished up our day at Centennial by singing in the Pediatric Emergency Dept.  We left happy and smiling as we wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, with plans to return early in January 2023.

    We finished up our day with our good friends at ALIVE Hospice. Among those patients we sang to a family who was moved by our rendition of “O Holy Night,” and a former musician who really loved our tight harmonies and even sang along. As we left, we wished everyone @ALIVE a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and promised to return in January.

  • A Moment of Grace
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Dec 11 2022
    A Moment of Grace at AliveHospice, December 7, 2022

    "It was a rare moment for the Nashville Music Medics when we roused a hospice patient from semi-consciousness...with a song" - Kirk, NMM Lead/tenor

    Our Coordinator of Volunteers and guide for the day introduced us to Randolph (not his real name), who was resting in a minimally-conscious state with his family by his side.  The family then asked us to come into the room to sing a few Christmas carols.

    We began singing with O Holy Night. Randolph’s wife proclaimed that "He's squeezing my hand - he hears you!”  We then sang Angels We have Heard on High. As the family held hands, we saw a few tears on some cheeks. His wife again said, "He's squeezing my hand - he hears you!"

    Randolph and his sister and family were noticeably touched by our Christmas carols; we were equally affected by Randolph and his family.

    Sam, NMM Bari/Bass singer noted: “And this was JUST us singing some Christmas Carols!”  Kirk, NMM Lead/Tenor singer countered with “I found Christmas Carols to be powerful as a youngster when my father and mother and siblings went caroling in our small town. And I still do today.”

    According to the AliveHospice, Volunteer Coordinator, “Randolph’s wife continued to talk about you and the gift you gave. Thanks to all the Nashville Music Medics for the good work you do!”

                This is why we do what we do.

                                    "It's Great to be a Nashville Music Medic"
  • Nashville Music Medics Sing on a Very Special Day
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Oct 22 2022



    During our most recent visit to The Children’s Hospital   @TriStar Centennial on Wednesday, O
    ctober 12th, the Medics   welcomed back our good friend Kelsey Bryant, CCLS, who had been out on maternity leave. We were able to provide   some lovely handmade baby blankets for many of the children. One of our musical brothers, Tony Ivey, sent us the very generous donation of these beautiful blankets made by his talented mother, Sue. Our time there was so special and certainly one to remember.

    As those of you who follow us know, it’s always a highlight to visit with the children and their families. On this particular day, we sang to a rather precocious little boy, who told us how much he liked our singing, and then told us he’d had enough. We were uplifted by the sincere "Thank You"s from all the parents in the Pediatric ICU.

    After completing our rounds at the hospital, we continued our day over at ALIVE Hospice. There, our newest Medic, Dick Percy, Professor of Education, Emeritus, at Vanderbilt, came face to face with Dr. Sharon Shields a colleague from their time spent on faculty, as we went to sing in her sister's room. What a happy surprise!  We rallied behind and celebrated with our brother Dick Percy, when he reunited with a faculty colleague from years gone by.

    The peace and comfort we try to provide the families at ALIVE and Children’s Hospital has filled our own souls with the knowledge that we truly are on a mission of mercy and love.

    Thank you all for allowing us to serve you!

  • Everyone Deserves a Song at AliveHospice
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Oct 20 2022


                                             Every One Deserves a Song at ALIVE Hospice

    Before the Nashville Music Medics started their visit with the residents at ALIVE Hospice on 28 September, Lynn Edtl, Volunteer Coordinator, asked us if we would mind stopping by to sing a song for long time employee, Martha, ALIVE’s, Team Coordinator.

    In fact, we actually serenaded Martha with two songs. The Medics sang her our favorite song, the “Martha song,” and then, we made sure she was our sweetheart while singing, “Let Me Call You Sweetheart.”

    You can tell by the smiles on our faces that everyone enjoyed our visit with Martha. What a sweet lady!

  • A special request: "Sing for My Sister who is in Texas"
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Oct 19 2022

    During a regular visit to The Children’s Hospital @TriStar Centennial on Wednesday, September 21st, the Medics were met by Sidney Cantalupo, CCLS, our host for our time with the children and families.  As we were into our routine warm-ups Sidney asked if we could do something special for her and sing a song to her sister (who was in Texas).  Of course we were quite willing to accommodate with singing of the "Callie Song", which not by coincidence is Sidney's sister.  We sang. Sidney sent the video to her sister. Sister Callie reacted almost immediately, before we began our rounds.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Nashville Music Medics heal through Song- revisited
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Sep 5 2022

    “Nashville Music Medics heal through Song”

    was originally written for a segment of “Latest News” following our visit at AliveHospice on August 17th 2022.  What we did not have at that time was the link to the two interviews with Liz Haas, Director of Communications & Marketing, at AliveHospice. This was the first time we had met Liz and she accompanied us on our patient and family visits.

    While we were taking a brief break in the Chapel at AliveHospice, Liz asked about the history of Nashville Music Medics.  Our assembled group directed her to Wayne Jackson since Wayne had taken the lead in coordinating our scheduling and had been instrumental in organizing Music Medics around the country on behalf of the Barbershop Harmony Society.  This interview was a good overview, we agreed, and is worth sharing here. Wayne's interview is captured below.


    After talking with Wayne she asked about the outreach with AliveNashville and her attention turned to Sam English since Sam had been instrumental in the AliveHospice outreach.

    and here's Sam:

    YouTube Video URL:
  • Sharing the healing power of music once again
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Sep 4 2022

    The Nashville Music Medics once again shared the healing power      of music with the children, families and staff at The Childrens'      Hospital at TriStar Centennial, Nashville, on August 31st, 2022.  Although our numbers were slightly reduced due to absences, we were more than ably represented by Bill Munn, Doug Wooten, Sam English, Marty Monson and Paul Wietlisbach.

    On this visit we were accompanied by Lorin May, Editor of the Barbershop Harmony Society publication, “The Harmonizer,”  for a future feature about the BHS Music Medics Program. Thanks to Lorin and the patients’ families, we were able to capture some poignant moments with Savannah, Azlynn & her Mom, and brothers Mannen & Bear.  Bear was even wearing his Toy Story “You’ve Got a Friend in Me” t-shirt which of course was a great segue into the singing of our signature song. Azlynn’s mom told us, “That’s the most she has smiled since she has been in the hospital.”


    Our final stop of the day was in Pediatric Emergency Dept. where we sang a couple songs to a young patient and her family.  As we were leaving the ED, we once again saw Dr. Matt Jaeger, who we met on our August 17th visit.  During that visit we discovered that Dr. Jaeger had sung some Barbershop music while in college.  He had requested and was entertained with “Sweet Adeline” by the Medics; however, at this visit Dr. Jaeger joined us in singing “When It’s Sleepy Time Down South.” 


    (The doctor suggested next time we could teach him some more words!  We can do that!)

    And be sure to enjoy the celebratory post by TriStar Centennial Childrens' Hospital on their Facebook page.                         


  • Nashville Music Medics Healing Through Song
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Aug 22 2022

    Nashville Music Medics heal through Song

    OK, they're not doctors and very few actually work in the medical field. But the Nashville Music Medics sure do bring a lot of healing by singing some ah-MAZING a cappella songs in hospitals and hospices. Their harmonies are spot on and the energy is incredible.

    I got to tag along Wednesday as the troupe — all older professional dudes, most of them retired — slapped on their signature blue scrubs and hit Alive Hospice in Nashville.

    I found this outing particularly moving, as their first patient — 78-year-old Anita Corwin of Goodlettsville — was unresponsive after having a stroke earlier in the week. The guys brought lots of joy to Anita's son, daughter and granddaughter. 

    Anita's daughter, Tamie Moshier of Goodlettsville, smiled during the entire three-song performance.

    "I loved every minute of it," she said. "It made me happy and not so sad being in hospice."

    "I'm overwhelmed by it," her son, Greg Corwin, a mechanic from MIllersville, said with a huge smile on his face. "It lifts the spirits of those who are grieving right now."

    As for his mother, "I think she absorbed some of it through her subconscious," Greg said. "I'm sure she liked it as well."

    Troupe leader G. Wayne Jackson said the singers get more out of it than the patients for whom they sing.

    "It’s joy, pure joy, because we know we’ve done something good, and we’re part of something special," he said.

    Brad Schmitt / The Tennessean

  • Finding Singers
  •  Date Posted: Sun, Aug 21 2022
    “Finding Singers Where They’re Least Expected”


    You just never know where you’ll find another singer! 

    As The NashvilleMusic Medics f
    inished up their August 17 visit to The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Cenennial, the wonderful staff in the Emergency Dept. asked us to stop by and serenade them. While we sang, we noticed the good Dr. Matt Jaeger appeared quite interested in what we were doing. We found out that he had sung Barbershop music at college and asked if we knew and could sing Sweet Adeline. We said we did, but we’d only sing it if he joined in!

    Well, Dr. Jaeger, stepped up and sang a solid melody line along with the Medics. After much applause, and back slapping, while waiting for the smile to leave his face, Dr. Matt told us how much he missed singing our style of music. We quickly invited him out to an upcoming practice with our Music City Chorus brothers and we assured him, he’d be welcomed and that he would certainly have a great time singing the music he loves as much as we do!

    You just never know where you’ll find another singer!
  • Nashville Music Medics Meet Assist With Comfort
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Jul 22 2022


    Nashville Music Medics Meet With Families to A
    ssist With Comfort

    The Nashville Music Medics  once again visited the AliveHospice residential facility in Nashville on July 20th, fully anticipating we could once again provide some care and comfort  for a few residents.  Our Director of Volunteer Services, Renee Wisby, LMSW, met us when we arrived. She was accompanied by Music Therapist, Catherine Wilson, and Lynn Edtl, Volunteer Coordinator.  After a few minutes of greetings (including a favorite song, The Catherine Song” for Catherine) we moved through the facility accompanied by these wonderful staff members as we provided our four-part Barbershop Harmony for the selected patients and families. One of the patients we met and sung for was in the caring company of her daughter, Treva, and Treva’s husband. Everyone who gathered in the room, as well as just outside the door, was genuinely touched and appreciative of the gift” we try to give through our music. Treva  graciously consented to a photo memory as we all gathered around her Mother before we left the room. Treva’s eyes and gentle touch communicate the tenderness and compassion.
  • A Serenade for Emily, the Mother of Music Therapist, Catherine Wilson
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Jul 22 2022

    The Director of Volunteer Services, Renee Wisby, LMSW, for Alive Hospice, Nashville, met us when we arrived. She was accompanied by Music Therapist, Catherine Wilson, and Lynn Edtl, Volunteer Coordinator.  After a few minutes of greetings (including a favorite song,
    The Catherine Song” for Catherine) we moved through the facility accompanied by these wonderful staff members as we provided our four-part Barbershop Harmony for the selected patients and families. 

    We learned that Catherine's father had sung Barbershop Music while he was serving in the U.S. Air Force.
    After concluding our patient visits, Catherine requested "The Emily Song" (quite similar to "The Catherine Song sung earlier)  be sung so she could send it to her Mother. Of course, we were able to joyfully accommodate that request.  

    YouTube Video URL:
  • One "Kool" Customer
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Jul 21 2022

    Nashville Music Medics and One Cool Customer

    It’s not everyday the Nashville Music Medics run across a character as cool as Joseph! But, that’s what  happened during our second visit to ALIVE Hospice.  After a warm greeting from Renee Wisby, LMSW, Director of Volunteer Services, Lynn Edtl, Volunteer Coordinator, and Catherine Wilson, Music  Thera
    pist, we set off to bring some comfort to the residents and their loved ones. During our last visit of the day we met Joseph, who was engaging, fun to talk with and just an all around great guy with a great family. We’re pretty certain that he was into music as it was mentioned to us that one of his grandchildren went to Belmont University for music education. Joseph was quite happy to have us to sing to him, as well as include him in a group picture.

    Joseph donned his hat and slid into his best Frank Sinatra pose, as well as letting us know he really enjoyed what we sang. All in all a really great day at ALIVE Hospice. The Nashville Music Medics look forward to their next visit. Because, You just never know who you’ll meet along the way…..

  • Nashville Music Medic Receive an unexpected gift
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Jul 20 2022


                                                               Nashville Music Medics Receive a Very Special Gift

    Every Nashville Music Medic, to a man, will tell you that we often receive so much more than we ever give to the patients and their families.  On 20 July, when we arrived for our visit to The Children’s Hospital @TriStar Centennial, we were greeted warmly by Mary Bueche, CCLS. She quickly became part of the Music Medics family with her warm and cheery personality. Mary took the time to make every child feel special, paving the way for the Medics to do what we do best - bring smiles to the “kiddos,” and their parents faces. 

    That care given to each child brought us to the room of a cheery, happy, 4-year old little girl. After Mary explained to her what we did, this young lady asked us if  she could sing us a song. Needless to say, we were quite surprised by the request, as we are the ones usually doing the serenading. In a tiny sweet little voice she sang “The Goodness of God.”  It took all of the Medics a few minutes to compose ourselves and after several songs for this lovely little girl, she again asked if she could sing us another song.

    What happened next was nothing short of a miracle as she sang “Jesus Loves Me This I Know.”  The look of belief on her face was angelic, as we could tell she believed what she sang. We were left in a puddle and thanked her for the beautiful song. The Medics considered themselves  lucky to be there and are so thankful for the special gift we were given, by this little angel.

  • Nashville Music Medics comes "Alive"
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Jun 23 2022

    Nashville Music Medics Come ALIVE!

    Just when you think it can’t get any better being a Nashville Music Medic, our time spent singing at the ALIVE Hospice Residence in Nashville on 22 June, completely overwhelmed us. On this particular Wednesday, we started our day by singing for the children at The Children’s Hospital at Tri-Star Centennial. As always our time with the children was certainly rewarding.

    There was a warm reception, and an obvious excitement for the Medics being there at ALIVE, as we were enthusiastically greeted by the Director of Volunteer Services, Renee Wisby, LMSW, pictured with us. The interaction and reaction from some of the residents was nothing short of life-changing. The smiles and expressions of “Thanks”, touched each of us. One sweet lady even likened us to sounding as good as the “Gaithers.”

    The Medics thought it was an audition, but were surprised to learn the staff only wanted to see how the residents reacted to us. They were well pleased and have invited us back to sing any time we want. Of course we accepted their gracious invitation and plan to return sometime in July.

    It’s Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic!

  • This is Why We Sing
  •  Date Posted: Thu, Jun 9 2022

    "This Is Why We Sing"

    The reason why we’re Music Medics and Why We Sing, was evidenced by the smile on this little guys face when we sang to him outside of the Emergency Dept. in The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial. It was a relatively short day on 8 June, due to some unforeseen problems during our visit. So rather than bore you with all of those details, I thought I would answer the question posed in the title of our article

    Obviously, we sing for the precious children and their families when we visit each and every time, but while sitting at my desk going through pictures, and trying to figure out what to write, I received an email from one of our Medics (Paul Weitlisbach) thanking Sam English (photographer), for all the work he did during our visit.

    That email as well as some replies to Paul, poignantly reminded us all why we sing:

    Paul started by saying, I want to share something:

    I sing in 7 different groups.  2 quartets, a Jazz band, MCC, a classical music quintet, my church choir and (of course) Nashville Music Medics. 

    My absolute favorite is NMM.  Y'all understand why.  My heart sank yesterday when we heard we had NO representation by the Child Life Specialist staff due to illness. Yet, the pure goodness of what we do triumphed. 

    I believe I saw the Good Lord's hand yesterday.  Even without any setup or support, we sang for four (4) beautiful little children and helped enrich their lives and the lives of their parents. 

    Thank you all for being a part of this wonderful ministry.

    As I watch what is happening to our poor old world, I am SO proud to help, just a little teeny bit.  I love you guys!  Thank You!

    Sam English relayed his feelings to Paul and the rest of us as I have often said that the NMM is the most meaningful thing I have done in 34 years of BHS, SPEBSQSA ... and beyond.
    The group's Maestro, Chuck Hamilton, told us -   I couldn’t agree more with Paul’s heartfelt comments. It truly is a mission of mercy and love, and I am so proud of this group.

    Needless to say more but, this is Why We Sing!

    (All comments and photographs Used by Permission)

    YouTube Video URL:
  • The Nashville Music Medics Honor America
  •  Date Posted: Sat, May 28 2022
                              Nashville Music Medics Honor America

    On May 27, the Nashville Music Medics were invited to sing the National Anthem at the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association Boys Soccer Finals, at Siegel Soccer Complex. What a thrill it was to raise our voices in song to honor America during this special holiday weekend !!! 

    Prior to the start of the match between Page High School and Valor Prep, the Medics were able to take pictures with Assistant Executive Director of TSSAA, Mark Reeves, and the referee crew (Kevin Arsenault, Andrew Wilkins, Lauren Gray, and Tony Moran). The Medics appreciated the enthusiastic crowd response to our singing, and we left feeling uplifted from the experience.



    Memories like this make it Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic!”

    YouTube Video URL:
  • How many Medics does it take...?
  •  Date Posted: Wed, May 25 2022
    How Many Medics Does it Take……

    The question must be asked - How Many Medics Does it Take to Deliver a Baby Gift? The answer is at least 11, when the Nashville Music Medics showed up to sing for the kids at The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial,. The Medics presented Kelsey Bryant, CCLS, with a baby blanket and a gift card, as she awaits the arrival of her baby in late July. Needless to say, she was quite surprised and after the smiles and pictures, the Medics were off to sing for the precious children.

    These visits are always so heart-warming for the patients, their families and the Medics, that it’s sometimes difficult to put into words. Our visit on May 25, 2022 was made even more special when we were able to sing Brahms Lullaby from two sweet infants.

    The smiles grow even bigger when the children hear their name mentioned in a song. More fun is had when the older children are asked one of our famous “Dad Jokes,”  and they guess the right answer. What ever the case, the Medics leave with their hearts bursting with joy, as we say our good-byes and head home to our families to get ready for the next visit.
                                Memories like this make it
    Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic!”

  • "Stop, I'm breathin' heavy" OR Sidney takes us on a trek
  •  Date Posted: Wed, May 18 2022
    Updating the previous News Item from May 13, 2022, our new band-mate Sidney Cantalupo led us on a trek around the hospital to the departments where we were to visit on May 11, 2022.  She had a brisk and definitive pace.  At time we found ourselves "jockeying" for position!

    The below link explains the "Stop, I'm Breathin' Heavy"!


  • The Nashville Guys are hosted by our new band mate, Sydney
  •  Date Posted: Fri, May 13 2022

    Nashville Music Medics Out Spreading Joy!

    The Nashville Music Medics and their new band mate, Sydney Cantalupo, were out spreading joy on 11 May, singing for their “kiddos” at The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial.

    The smiles were plentiful as we wandered through the PICU, the Oncology Dept. and the General Ward, singing our special brand of music. We asked the question, “Do you know what makes the medicine go down?” NOPE! They didn’t know. We told them - “Just a Spoonful of Sugar” followed, of course, by singing “Spoonful”.

    We even threw in a new “Dad Joke” to help keep those smiles on their faces or groans by the Staff and Medics.
    “Why did the strawberry baby cry?”  “Because her Mom was in a jam!”
    Grin or groan? Take your pick!

    What a great day! It truly is “Great to be a Nashville Music Medic!”

  • Nashville Music Medics to appear on MCC Spring Show β€œBarberroo 2022”
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Apr 13 2022
    Nashville Music Medics to appear on MCC Spring Show “Barberroo 2022”
    Nashville Music Medics is thrilled and pleased to announce that we have been offered and have accepted a spot to sing on the “Barberroo 2022” show being presented by the Music City Chorus on April 23, 2022, 3:00pm, at the Nashville School of the Arts. 
    Our own resident quartet, No Green Bananas, will also be singing.

    Music City Chorus has always been known for promoting quartet singing and is presenting nine quartets as well as featuring a guest Sweet Adeline quartet
    "Don't Call Me Shirley"

    For more information about the show and tickets go to

  • National Barbershop Quartet Day with No Green Bananas
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Apr 12 2022

    In celebration of National Barbershop Quartet Day, April 11th, NMM joined with "No Green Bananas" to share our music with the residents of Somerby-Franklin, Franklin, TN. 

    We presented our program at two different locations in the facility and we discovered many of the residents and staff had never been provided with the opportunity to hear this style of close four-part harmony. They were entertained.  They smiled. They sang along. They laughed (with us).  We noticed that a few of the attendees were bold enough to take in the second performance as well!  We even had a hearty soul venture into a tag after the second program.

    As evidenced by the video shared here we had a great day with many new friends at Somerby.
    Four additional videos are uploaded individually. Follow the supplemental items with similar title.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • National Barbershop Quartet Day with No Green Bananas
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Apr 12 2022

    Everyone also enjoyed You've Got a Friend in Me (although the intro was missed by the videographer).  
    YouTube Video URL:
  • National Barbershop Quartet Day with No Green Bananas
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Apr 12 2022

    And everyone seemed to enjoy "Under the Boardwalk" by No Green Bananas, especially with the surprise choreography by the Nashville Music Medics !
    YouTube Video URL:
  • "What? A push-out Quartet? Really?"
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Apr 12 2022

    As we were nearing the conclusion of our time together with the fine folks at Somerby-Franklin,  our guests were genuinely entertained as we demonstrated the remarkable experience of a “push-out quartet” !
    YouTube Video URL:
  • "Keep the Whole World Singing All Day Long"
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Apr 12 2022

    After two shows of approximately 50 minutes each (and approximately 10 minutes between the two), we shared with everyone how much this music means to each of us, to our Nashville Music Medics ensemble and to No Green Bananas quartet by closing each of our performances with  “Keep the Whole World Singing”.  
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Finally, Let the Fun Begin Again
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Apr 8 2022


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              On April 6, after many months away, the Nashville Music Medics were once again allowed to come and visit our friends and “kiddos” at  The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial. And yes, everyone was smiling behind those masks. We started our day with a visit to the Pediatric ICU, singing for the patients and the nurses, and where we wanted to make sure they were included in the fun!  Of course our day wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the Children’s Oncology unit where, even with everything a little guy was going through, he was still happy and smiling.

                We finished our day with a visit to the Pediatric ED. Everywhere we visited, the nurses and patients were just as happy to see us as we were to see them. By the end of the day, we were musically,

    “Sittin’ on Top of the World!

    It Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic!
  • A Moment to Pause for Nurses
  •  Date Posted: Wed, Apr 6 2022

    A Moment to Pause for Nurses

    The Pediatric ED is rarely on our pre-determined visitation schedule because we never know who may be new arrivals or awaiting care.  Fortunately Pediatric ED is on our exit route to the parking areas and our hostess/guide, Sydney Cantalupo, Certified Child Life Specialist, was more than willing to check on this one final opportunity for patient visits.

    While awaiting the clearance to visit a couple of new patients in the Pediatric ED, we took the opportunity to serenade the nursing staff with “Nurses, We Love You” to the tune of one of our favorites, “Honey, Little Lize”.  Much to our surprise, we received this video taken by Andrew Kilby, RN, who was among those nurses. The video had initially been posted on Facebook by his proud father, Duane Kilby.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Nashville Music Medics (once again) Resume Rehearsing
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Apr 1 2022
    Nashville Music Medics Are Gettin' Ready to Sing!

    After an “extended vacation” from singing and rehearsing, the Nashville Music Medics
    resumed rehearsals on March 31st, with great attendance, in order to return to singing
    for our “kiddos”at Tri-Star Centennial Children’s Hospital in April.

    So that we can safely return to sing, we have confirmed with Children’s Hospital the protocols
    the hospital has requested we must adhere to. First, we all must have had our flu shots, and our
    COVID vaccinations. Plus, we
    re also required to mask up” in order to sing for these
    precious children.

    After many handshakes and hugs, we got to singing, and let me tell you it was great to hear
    those chords ring again. We were put through our paces by our very own Maestro,
    Chuck Hamilton, although it was well worth it.  Smiles prevailed all evening and after a good
    workout from singing, we said our good-byes and parted ways until we gather again next week
    with those

    If you have any questions about how to start a Music Medics program in your chapter contact Wayne Jackson, Nashville Music Medics, BHS Representative (

    by Wayne Jackson for NMM
  • A Facebook Reminder March 29, 2109
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Mar 29 2022
    A  Facebook reminder, three years ago today. 


    On March 29, 2019, the Nashville Music Medics had been delivering our songs and  smiles to the children in TriStar Centennial Children’s Hospital in Nashville.
    When we completed those visits a few of us continued with a side trip to visit one of our Music City Chorus brothers, Tommy Mitchell, in a local rehabilitation facility in a neighboring community. 

    Tommy had been involved in a very serious motor vehicle accident a few days earlier.  Although he is a great bass singer and a former director of the chorus in Athens, AL, Tommy did not feel much like doing any breathing exercise in order to sing a tag with us!  We understood. We sang. He smiled.

    Tommy is doing well in 2022 and has joined three of the Medics to occasionally sing the National Anthem at local sporting events as “The Hooligans of Harmony”
  • Nashville Music Medics, Celebrating Everything
  •  Date Posted: Sat, Mar 12 2022

    Music Medics Celebrate “Everything”

    The Nashville Music Medics celebrate just about everything - warm weather, good food, but most importantly, just being able to get together and sing. Seven hearty Medics got together for a sing and a BBQ on October 9, and you can tell by the smiles on their faces that a good time was had by all.

    The Medics are learning a new song, a sweet lullaby - “Stay Awake” from Mary Poppins, as well as preparing for their upcoming virtual Christmas video project. The Christmas video will be super special this year as they will be joining their voices with all of the Music Medics across the Barbershop Harmony Society.
  • Nashville Music Medics Making New Friends
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Mar 11 2022

    Nashville Music Medics Making New Friends

    The Nashville Music Medics were out and about again making new friends at The Children’s Hospital at Tri-Star Centennial. Our first stop of the day found a young man who is familiar with our style of singing. When we asked why, he told us his brother sings with the Mammoth Cave Men in Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, which is just up the road from Nashville’s Music City Chorus. You never know do you!?

    The Medics sang a few songs, told a few Dad Jokes, and even coaxed him to sing a tag. Our new friend promptly nailed the familiar lead post to “Behind.” We’re hoping he gets well soon so he can come on out and join the fun with us here in Nashville.  Believe it or not we were all smiles behind our masks. Once again, the Medics proved they’re “Changing The World One Smile at a Time.”

    If you have any questions about how to start a Music Medics program in your chapter contact Wayne Jackson, Nashville Music Medics, BHS rep. (
  • Then and Now...With One of Our Patients Eve
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Mar 11 2022

    Then..and Now..

        With One of Our Patients 
    at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt

    The Nashville Music Medics visit and sing to a lot of children, however, there’s one in particular who stole all of our hearts away on a cold winter’s day when we visited 8-month old Eve Amroun at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. We were invited by her Dad, Karim Amroun, to sing for Eve after a rather serious operation, and as a rule we never really hear what happens to these precious children after their stay. However, this time we wanted to find out how little Eve was doing and what we found was pretty miraculous.

    During the afternoon of December 18, 2019, The Nashville Music Medics,were finished their singing during one of their Christmas visits to the “kiddos” and their families at a different children’s hospital here in Nashville, and on the way home stopped in to visit Eve. She was an alert and happy baby who was well on the road to recovery from a liver transplant operation. Not only were Eve and her parents happy that we stopped in to sing, but word has it her older brother would often sing to her after she returned home as a way to make Eve feel better.

    There’s no doubt in our minds that Eve has fully recovered as you can see by the happy smile on her sweet face.  Memories like this make it Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic!”

  • Nashville Music Medics Providing Smiles All Around, with a BHS Guest
  •  Date Posted: Fri, Mar 11 2022

    Nashville Music Medics Providing Smiles All Around

    How much fun can the Nashville Music Medics have? At least this much during our warm-up session yesterday July 28th at The Children's Hospital at Tri-Star Centennial, when we were visited by Devin Bradford, BHS Community Development Manager.  Devin hung out with us while we performed for some very special patients.  We let Devin tell you how much fun we have, especially after she saw the smiles on the children's faces. We're likely to make Devin an honorary Nashville Music Medic.

    The Nashville Music Medics serve as a community outreach program. Many of the Medics are also members of The Music City Chorus, with a goal of bringing joy through our music to the children as well as their parents who are staying in the children's hospitals in and around Nashville. The Medics like to think of ourselves as Music Therapists, providing the best possible medicine there is - a smile and a song.

    This BHS program is designed to be an ongoing, permanent project, as well as being easy to manage. Music Medics is loads of fun and incredibly rewarding for many people on many levels. First and foremost, it’s great for the young patients and their parents. The last thing they expect is to see people walk into their hospital room in scrubs and start singing them a fun and uplifting song, when all they are experiencing is the drudgery of hospitalization.

    This BHS program is open to anyone whether you’re a member of BHS or not.

    Recently, two more BHS Dixie Chapters have come forward and expressed an interest in starting a Music Medics Program in their chapters - The Big Chicken Chorus, and The Sound Of Tennessee.

    Ask yourself, “What better way is there to start your day than by bringing some joy to and by putting smiles on the faces of those wonderful children. The Medics always come away from their singing visits feeling uplifted by the joy they’ve experienced just from singing a few happy songs. There’s no doubt that music has the power to bring joy and happiness to every one they meet.

    Why not be part of the movement that is “Changing the World Once Smile At a Time.”

    If you’re interested in starting a Music Medics program in your chapter, please contact Wayne Jackson and the BHS Music Medics Team at

  • Hopscotch between Songs
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Mar 8 2022
    Hopscotch between Songs

    In July 2021 we were once again back into Tri-Star Centennial Children’s Hospital, after a Coronavirus induced absence in February 2020.  ChildLife Specialist, Kelsey Bryant, was escorting us from floor-to-floor, Department-to-Department, patient-to-patient, when we encountered a perplexing diagram on the floor when we were on the way to Pediatric Emergency Department. What we soon recognized on the floor was the popular playground game of Hopscotch.
    Much to the chagrin of some of the Music Medics, Kelsey informed us that passage in this corridor required the customary hopping or jumping through the spaces. Fortunately, it did not require bending to pick up a marker and it was only a one-way requirement. Some of us were more proficient that others but we all passed the test.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • Nashville Music Medics bring Smiles to Centennial Children's Hospital
  •  Date Posted: Tue, Mar 8 2022

    Nashville Music Medics Bring Smiles to Centennial Children’s

    We know it’s difficult to see, but behind those masks, the Nashville Music Medics and Child Life Specialist, Kelsey Bryant, are all smiles on our return to sing for the children at The Children’s Hospital at Tri-Star Centennial.

    On July 7, after many months of necessary absence, The Nashville Music Medics resumed their music ministry for seriously ill children and their families. They pulled on their scrubs, warmed-up their vocal chords, engaged their smiles, and brought plenty of happy sounds to their “kiddos” and the nursing staff.  Once again, the Medics proved they’re “Changing The World One Smile at a Time.”

    If you have any questions about how to start a Music Medics program in your chapter contact Wayne Jackson, Nashville Music Medics, BHS rep. (
  • Nashville Music Medics are Gettin' On The Road Again
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Mar 7 2022
    Nashville Music Medics Are Gettin’ On The Road Again!

    “On the road again, just can’t wait to get on the road again. The life I love is making music with our friends, just can’t wait to get on the road again!” 

    That’s exactly what Willie Nelson sang and what the Nashville Music Medics did on June 14th, as we gathered for the first time since February 2020, in order to prepare for our return to sing for the children at Centennial Children’s Hospital in early July.

    So that we can safely return to sing, there are several things the hospital has requested we do. First, we all must have had our flu shots, and our COVID vaccinations. Plus, we’re also required to “mask up” in order to sing for these precious children.

    Please check with your local hospitals to see if they have any additional requirements before you return to sing. If you have any questions about how to start a Music Medics program in your chapter contact Wayne Jackson, Nashville Music Medics, BHS Representative (

    We’re the best of Friends, and our way is on the road again!

  • Nashville Music Medics- How It All Began 2018
  •  Date Posted: Mon, Mar 7 2022
    Nashville Music Medics - How it All Began!

    While attending the Saturday Night Show at the 2018 Orlando International, I watched a video about the BHS Music Medics program. The video told me about the inspirational work a group of singers from the Miamians was doing through their singing to the children in the local Children’s Hospitals.  My wife and I thought this would be a great service to provide, and since I was retired, I had some time to see if this would work in Nashville.

    I talked with my Chorus leadership about the idea and they said, “That’s a great idea, as long as you run the program.”  So I sent out an email to the chorus looking for interested singers; and as they say, “The rest is history,” as the Nashville Music Medics were born in early 2019. Since then, the fun hasn’t stopped. We’ve made several virtual recordings for our local children’s hospital, and had several news stories air on local TV. Most importantly, all of the Nashville Music Medics will agree, that singing for the children is the most rewarding thing all of us have ever done during our Barbershop careers. 

    (Edit: Author, Wayne Jackson, Dreamer-Nashville Music Medics)

    YouTube Video URL: