The Nashville Music Medics and BHS Music Medics are proud and excited to share this announcement from Down Under
“Crikey! BHS Music Medics Head Down Under With BHA”!
The phenomenal Nashville-based BHS Music Medics program is going international with a brand new partnership with BHA!
Established officially in 2013, but harkening back to 1947, the Music Medics is a program designed to bring joy to sick children (and adults). Quartets, Choruses, and other small ensembles dress up in scrubs (don’t worry, you don’t need to be a doctor) and visit their local hospital to perform fun and uplifting songs* for the patients and staff with the goal of not only bringing joy and relief for everyone, but also to help bring a positive association to seeing people in scrubs.
Since 2021, the Music Medics program has expanded to 48 named programs within the Barbershop Harmony Society across America. We’re super excited to be bringing the Music Medics program to Australia and we’d love to see heaps of our BHA quartets and choruses join in and spread some joy.
Send BHA President Dan Millgate an email - Music Medics EOI if you’re keen to be involved.
- Repertoire is provided free of charge