Nashville Music Medics Receive Some Much Needed Therapy
Some people might say the Nashville Music Medics need therapy! We’re here to tell you that’s exactly what we received during our February 28 visit to The Children’s Hospital at Tri-star Centennial. ASTRO the Therapy Dog along with his pal SCOUT were there to take our stress away and just enjoy our singing, even though they certainly didn’t look interested. Just so you know who’s who, ASTRO is the white dog lying down and looking rather forlorn. SCOUT is the one sitting patiently waiting to leave or maybe receive some treats, we couldn’t tell which.
Although, it’s possible that SCOUT could use some love, as he appears to still be getting over the trauma of Halloween. Most of his costume has faded away and we’re not sure how he’s feeling. But, he and ASTRO delivered on the therapeutics as we all got some cuddles and a few strokes on the backs of their necks. I’m not going to say that the Medics have gone to the “dogs.”
As we finished our singing in the Atrium and were about to leave, a nurse named Kelly, and called the “ER MOM” from Centennial Hospital Emergency Room, stopped us and eagerly asked if we could come by the ER and sing for the staff there. Since we had to travel to our next engagement at Alive Hospice Residential Facility just few blocks away, we told Kelly that we’d have to see if we could make it back to the ER.
Moving on - The Medics had another wonderful visit and experience at AliveHospice, where we met a brother and sister who were there to support their Mom. We could see by their faces that they could use some comfort. Noting that, we sang some of our sacred music - “It is Well With My Soul,” and “The Irish Blessing.”
After finishing our singing, we saw the sister rummaging around some clothing on the chair in their Mom’s room. She mentioned that “It is Well” is her favorite hymn and proceeded to show us a sweatshirt with the title of the song on the front. Now, there’s something you don’t see every day!
As we said our goodbyes and headed out, we stopped and chatted about returning to Centennial’s ER for a visit. Spontaneity took over after our chat and we decided that we we had enough Medics to take a seasoned quartet back to Tri-Star Centennial. We knew where that Emergency Department was! Back on the road again!
We continually say how lucky we are to be able to provide these services. That was clear yesterday. Once we arrived, we easily located our ER Mom, thanks to the understanding and accommodating staff. (After all, this quartet was attired in non-threatening blue scrubs!) “ER Mom” Kelly, assembled us at a nurses station, got on her radio and had the entire ER staff gather around, including a Nashville Fire Dept EMT who raised a “baritone” hand! As they gathered around for a couple of songs, it was evident they had never heard anything quite like this, as their eyes were open wide and their mouths just fell open. We know that the ER staff was pleased, as the Nashville Music Medics received a wonderfully warm reception, because we took time out to come and provide that much needed rest during the chaos of the ER.
Always a great day at Tri-Star Centennial Hospital!
Wayne Jackson and Sam English on behalf of Nashville Music Medics