Nashville Music Medics and Vanderbilt University Homecoing

Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Sam English
Status: Current
Date Posted: Wed, Nov 15 2023
Nashville Music Medics and Vandy Football Take the Stage at Monroe Carell Children’s Hospital, Seacrest Studio


What a treat for The Nashville Music Medics to be in the house for a Vanderbilt pep rally with cheerleaders! Ohand to take the stage with some players and a coach from the Vanderbilt football team, during our November 3rd performance on the 2nd floor Performance Stage and broadcast through the Seacrest Studio channel to patients watching from their rooms.  

To be honest, it was the players and cheerleaders who stole the show as we were in the “backfield” with our performance, as we sang in the studio proper. However, we managed to serenade one of the cheerleaders, with the “The Name Song,” as players and other cheerleaders crammed into the studio to watch her reaction. What a hoot this was!!                                      [Be Sure to click the YouTube link below]

The singing highlight of the day came after “No Green Bananas” had finished their 30-minute set. As we were leaving the Seacrest Studio to greet everyone leaving the stage area, we were stopped by Cayce one of our hosts. He asked us if we would do a favor for some of the other players and cheerleaders. Always up for a good prank, we said YES!, of course. What do you need us to do?

Cayce explained he was asked if we would sing “The Name Song” to one of the assistant coaches who was there. Done and Done! The coach tried to escape once we started, but the players “tackled” him before he could leave. Don’t be fooled, he enjoyed it. We have the pictures to prove it. There might be a video hanging around some place, too.

No Green Bananas and four other Nashville Music Medics are looking forward to their  December 1st visit when we sing for the children, their families and friends at next visit to Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt’s “Winter Wonderland" party.

By Wayne Jackson, for Nashville Music Medics