It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This Day to Remember

Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Sam English
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, Sep 1 2023

                         Will It Get Any Better Than This Day to Remember?

Our August 23rd visit to The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial was without a doubt the most exciting visit in the Nashville Music Medics growing existence. Why was this visit so exciting you may ask - Because we were being taped for an upcoming story on TN Crossroads!!

There was so much happening that day that we initially considered a two-part News Item.

Our day started early due to the setup of cameras and lighting for Miranda Cohen, TN Crossroads Producer, to do some interviews about The Nashville Music Medics story and how we got started along this path.

Miranda and her staff interviewed Wayne Jackson, and our Music Team - Chuck Hamilton, Sam English, and Paul Wietlisbach. While those brief interviews were taking place we began an early warm-up with Chuck.  With Miranda finished, the cameras got rolling with some great shots of us in action. Even warm-ups can be exciting!


We’re not looking for notoriety; we look for those opportunities that get the word out about our mission to bring our style of music, along with some joy and comfort, to the children who are in the hospital as well as their parents and family.

As we left our warm-up room, we traveled to our friends in the Pediatric Emergency Department where once again we found the nursing staff and physicians awaiting our arrival. We learned that our good friend Dr. Matt Jaeger was on duty. If you’ve been able to read our prior stories about the ED, you’ll remember the good Dr. sang Barbershop music while in medical school and that he has sung with us on a few other visits. More importantly to us, we took the time to sing to the nurses and ED staff, as we believe they need the care and attention often as much as their patients do.  However, we had to leave before we were able to sing to one little girl as the cameras needed to roll somewhere else and we went to our next stop, returning shortly to sing to that one smiling patient. 


And then on to our patient visits for the day where we found a sweet young lady, Aurora, and her family waiting for us to arrive. During our singing, I found Miranda Cohen becoming a bit teary-eyed over what we were giving to this family. That reaction is what we usually see when you see feel the power of music and what good can come from a song. 

We left to smiling faces and warm good-byes, as we make our way to The Atrium where we’ll finish up our day. However, before arriving at The Atrium, let’s back track for minute to the Emergency Department, where we returned to sing for this one little girl, Zemiah.
Along the way, captured in pictures,   is the obligatory “elevator” shot, as well as those taken in the ED.


We left “No Green Bananas” to serenade Zemiah in the ED and the rest of us split for a few minutes and took the opportunity to serenade a first timer, Maggie Greco, HCA Marketing.   We needed to welcome this new fan to the Nashville Music Medic followers. We had a chance to get to know Maggie and tell her about us and what we do. Of course we couldn’t let her get away without being serenaded with, you guessed it, “The Name Song.” (Also known as “The Maggie Song” at this time.) Needless to say, she was smiling and now glad to be part of the Music Medics’ growing family of followers and friends. We hope to see Maggie again soon as part of our travels to Centennial Children’s.        We "captured" Maggie and a few minutes of her song, below.

               The Maggie Song

       Our Journey to the Atrium as captured by James Russell



What was unique about this visit that we had all 14 of the current Nashville Music Medics participating!  That’s a first even after this many years and so many visits. We wanted to make sure that everyone was a part of this wonderful opportunity. Of course, we had to leave our TV Host, Miranda Cohen, with a parting gift. You guessed it, “The Name Song.”  (Aka “The Miranda Song” )

The Nashville Music Medics wish to graciously thank Tonya Grissom, Abbie Magnum, and Maggie Greco, and the nurses and physicians at The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial for all their support during this epic adventure.                     
                        Standby for the TN Crossroads broadcast in a few weeks!

We especially want to thank Miranda Cohen, Producer, TN Crossroads, for providing us this opportune time to further our mission. This day will not be forgotten anytime soon!

                           It’s Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic

There’s no doubt in any of our minds that - The Nashville Music Medics are “Changing the World One Smile at a Time.”

By Wayne Jackson, Events Coordinator, and Sam English, Webmaster
for Nashville Music Medics