2nd Time Out

Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Sam English
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, Aug 11 2023
  Nashville Music Medics Learn Still More Lessons
  at Monroe Carell Children’s Hospital, Seacrest Studio


During our recent August 4th visit to the 2nd floor Performance Stage broadcasting through the Seacrest Studio channel, The Nashville Music Medics, represented by “No Green Bananas”, learned some more valuable lessons while on stage.

However, we need to first thank our stand-in bass Phil Berg, for ably filling in for Bill Munn who was out of town on some work thing. Imagine that! Work!  Phil just put in the work and provided a great sound during the performance. Everyone left the stage with huge grins on their faces. We think the biggest smile of all may have come from Phil. We’re sure he had a great time!  Thanks Phil!

The Nashville Music Medics and NGB are now ready to start branching out with new quartets as we continue to build our relationship with Monroe Carell Children’s Hospital.

Most importantly, NGB looked, felt and sounded so much more relaxed than with their first “live” performance in June. Since we knew what to expect, we were better prepared to provide a top rate performance. We were quite pleased with the number of patients and family members who decided to sit a while and listen, as well as the staff who decided to stop on their way by and participate.  Of course, we had no idea who may have been joining in the fun on the other side of the screen during our Dad Jokes!

See you in September when No Green Bananas and the Nashville Music Medics again visit the 2nd floor Performance Stage at Seacrest Studios in Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.