Our "Gracie Moment" : Singing gone to the dog

Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Sam English
Status: Current
Date Posted: Fri, Mar 10 2023

Nashville Music Medics Once Again Sharing at AliveHospice Residential Facility-Our Singing Gone to The Dog

Six of us comprised the Nashville Music Medics contingent that paid our bi-weekly visit to AliveHospice on March 8, 2023. However, none of us (Erik, Mike, Paul, Sam, Kirk and Chuck) expected we would have an anonymous tenor sing-a-long participant in one of our first patient/family visits.

We have frequently reported that we never know what to expect, nor what impact might be shared with families, patients and those of us making the visit.  As we were sharing our “Name Song”( aka “Honey Little Lize”)  for one of our first patients and her sons,  we heard a not-so-muffled Bb obligato drone tone coming from the floor area to our left; it stopped momentarily but then resumed again with vigorous enthusiasm. We soon discovered it was “Gracie”, the Chihuahua, from the comfort of her crate!  Gracie was removed from her crate to the comfort of a lap while we finished the song (albeit along with Gracie’s tenor Bb!)  We will likely consider this “Gracie Moment” one of those memorable happy occasions.  It must have been the tempo and enthusiasm of the song; Gracie had no interest in singing along with the next two songs we shared.
     It’s Great to Be a Nashville Music Medic.